
Spanish Medium Review Quiz - Science - This is the Study of ... (Questions)

There are many different types of sciences that can be studied which is why in this Spanish science quiz we will introduce you to the study of a number of those different sciences. You may have already learned the English names of most of these sciences in your science classes but since you are in the process of learning how to speak in Spanish, it’s a pretty good idea to also learn the science names in Spanish. In short, this quiz will be focusing on the names of the areas of science and not on any specifics involved in any of the areas. That should make things pretty simple!

In addition to the names of the sciences, you will also be given a very brief description of what area the science studies. After you have looked over your vocabulary list and studied the new Spanish vocabulary words and what is studied, move on to the quiz section.



anatomy anatomía [f] This is the study of the structure of living organisms.
anthropology antropología [f] This is the study of humans both past and present.
archaeology arqueología [f] This is the study of human activity in the past by studying the remains of their culture and environment.
astrology astrología [f] This is the study of the sky for meaning.
biology biología [f] This is the study of life and living organisms.
botany botánica [f] This is the study of plants.
chemistry química [f] This is the study of matter and the changes it undergoes.
ecology ecología [m] This is the study of the relationships living organisms have with each other.
geology geología [f] This is the study of the rocks of the Earth.
meteorology meteorología [f] This is the study of the atmosphere.
mineralogy mineralogía [f] This is the study of minerals.
pathology patología [f] This is the study of the body to determine diseases and causes of death.
pharmacology farmacología [f] This is the study of medicines and their effects on the body and in controlling diseases.
physiology fisiología [f] This is the study of normal functions of living organisms.
psychology psicología [f] This is the study of mental functions and behaviors.
topography topografía [f] This is the study of surface shapes and features of the Earth and other astronomical objects.
zoology zoología [f] This is the study of the animal kingdom, its structure, evolution, habits and distribution of both living and extinct animals.


Each quiz sentence will give you a brief description about an area of science. From the list of answers given, see if you can quickly locate the Spanish word that is the science study of the description. Put your thinking caps and then begin the quiz!

1. This is the study of life and living organisms.
[ ] biología
[ ] patología
[ ] antropología
[ ] psicología
2. This is the study of the atmosphere.
[ ] fisiología
[ ] ecología
[ ] meteorología
[ ] mineralogía
3. This is the study of surface shapes and features of the Earth and other astronomical objects.
[ ] geología
[ ] topografía
[ ] patología
[ ] farmacología
4. This is the study of plants.
[ ] mineralogía
[ ] arqueología
[ ] química
[ ] botánica
5. This is the study of humans both past and present.
[ ] patología
[ ] ecología
[ ] antropología
[ ] arqueología
6. This is the study of the animal kingdom, its structure, evolution, habits and distribution of both living and extinct animals.
[ ] fisiología
[ ] zoología
[ ] astrología
[ ] antropología
7. This is the study of the structure of living organisms.
[ ] anatomía
[ ] psicología
[ ] arqueología
[ ] topografía
8. This is the study of mental functions and behaviors.
[ ] farmacología
[ ] patología
[ ] geología
[ ] psicología
9. This is the study of human activity in the past by studying the remains of their culture and environment.
[ ] fisiología
[ ] arqueología
[ ] antropología
[ ] biología
10. This is the study of the body to determine diseases and causes of death.
[ ] meteorología
[ ] química
[ ] patología
[ ] anatomía
Spanish Medium Review Quiz - Science - This is the Study of ... (Answers)
1. This is the study of life and living organisms.
[x] biología
[ ] patología
[ ] antropología
[ ] psicología
The study of life and living organisms is known as biology. The Spanish word for biology is biología.
2. This is the study of the atmosphere.
[ ] fisiología
[ ] ecología
[x] meteorología
[ ] mineralogía
The study of life the atmosphere is known as meteorology. The Spanish word for meteorology is meteorología.
3. This is the study of surface shapes and features of the Earth and other astronomical objects.
[ ] geología
[x] topografía
[ ] patología
[ ] farmacología
The study of surface shapes and features of the Earth and other astronomical objects is known as topography”. The Spanish word for topography is topografía.
4. This is the study of plants.
[ ] mineralogía
[ ] arqueología
[ ] química
[x] botánica
The study of plants is known as botany. The Spanish word for botany is botánica.
5. This is the study of humans both past and present.
[ ] patología
[ ] ecología
[x] antropología
[ ] arqueología
The study of humans both past and present is known as anthropology. The Spanish word for anthropology is antropología.
6. This is the study of the animal kingdom, its structure, evolution, habits and distribution of both living and extinct animals.
[ ] fisiología
[x] zoología
[ ] astrología
[ ] antropología
The study of the animal kingdom, its structure, evolution, habits and distribution of both living and extinct animals is known as zoology. The Spanish word for zoology is zoología.
7. This is the study of the structure of living organisms.
[x] anatomía
[ ] psicología
[ ] arqueología
[ ] topografía
The study of the structure of living organisms is known as anatomy. The Spanish word for anatomy is anatomía.
8. This is the study of mental functions and behaviors.
[ ] farmacología
[ ] patología
[ ] geología
[x] psicología
The study of mental functions and behaviors is known as psychology. The Spanish word for psychology is psicología.
9. This is the study of human activity in the past by studying the remains of their culture and environment.
[ ] fisiología
[x] arqueología
[ ] antropología
[ ] biología
The study of human activity in the past by studying the remains of their culture and environment is known as archeology. The Spanish word for archeology is arqueología.
10. This is the study of the body to determine diseases and causes of death.
[ ] meteorología
[ ] química
[x] patología
[ ] anatomía
The study of the body to determine diseases and causes of death is known as pathology. The Spanish word for pathology is patología.