
Spanish Medium Review Quiz - Yard Days 2 (Questions)

In this Spanish Medium Review picture quiz you will continuing your review of things that you might find in your backyard. There is so much one can do in the backyard and many people even consider their backyards as their favorite vacation spot. Now that it what we call true yard days!

As the warmer spring days arrive that lead into even hotter summer days, getting out to the backyard is a refreshing change from the cold winter. As you have taken the Spanish Medium Review academic quizzes, you now know how to have fun in the backyard in two different languages. Of course, practice does make perfect so this quick picture quiz will help you to remember those Spanish words. Therefore, without any further delay, let’s start checking things out in the backyard!

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1. The children love the little POOL we put in our backyard!
[ ] polo
[ ] palomita
[ ] piscina
[ ] mapache
2. Wow! Close up a DRAGONFLY has big eyes!
[ ] terremoto
[ ] tocador
[ ] costilla
[ ] libélula
3. BEETLES can be very destructive to backyard plants.
[ ] mariposas
[ ] escarabajos
[ ] abejorros
[ ] avispas
4. You will need some ROPE to make a tree swing.
[ ] cuerda
[ ] pajita
[ ] gallo
[ ] pala
5. When the lights go on the GRASSHOPPERS seem to disappear.
[ ] pantuflas
[ ] saltamontes
[ ] hormigas
[ ] ovejas
6. It is fun to have dinner parties with friends on the TERRACE.
[ ] patio trasero
[ ] cobertizo
[ ] terraza
[ ] porche
7. INSECTS love the fragrance of a beautiful rose.
[ ] bichos
[ ] arañas
[ ] avispones
[ ] insectos
8. Looks like a spider weaved a very intricate WEB.
[ ] webo
[ ] web
[ ] wéb
[ ] webó
9. You know the saying that the early bird gets the WORM!
[ ] ardilla
[ ] gusano
[ ] abeja
[ ] mariposa
10. I hope the dog doesn’t get bit by the SNAKE.
[ ] serpentina
[ ] estrella
[ ] suroeste
[ ] serpiente
Spanish Medium Review Quiz - Yard Days 2 (Answers)
1. The children love the little POOL we put in our backyard!
[ ] polo
[ ] palomita
[x] piscina
[ ] mapache
The Spanish word for pool is piscina.
2. Wow! Close up a DRAGONFLY has big eyes!
[ ] terremoto
[ ] tocador
[ ] costilla
[x] libélula
The Spanish word for dragonfly is libélula.
3. BEETLES can be very destructive to backyard plants.
[ ] mariposas
[x] escarabajos
[ ] abejorros
[ ] avispas
The Spanish word for beetles is escarabajos.
4. You will need some ROPE to make a tree swing.
[x] cuerda
[ ] pajita
[ ] gallo
[ ] pala
The Spanish word for rope is cuerda.
5. When the lights go on the GRASSHOPPERS seem to disappear.
[ ] pantuflas
[x] saltamontes
[ ] hormigas
[ ] ovejas
The Spanish word for grasshoppers is saltamontes.
6. It is fun to have dinner parties with friends on the TERRACE.
[ ] patio trasero
[ ] cobertizo
[x] terraza
[ ] porche
The Spanish word for terrace is terraza.
7. INSECTS love the fragrance of a beautiful rose.
[ ] bichos
[ ] arañas
[ ] avispones
[x] insectos
The Spanish word for insects is insectos.
8. Looks like a spider weaved a very intricate WEB.
[ ] webo
[x] web
[ ] wéb
[ ] webó
This should be an easy one as web is spelled the same in both English and in Spanish. Note that there are no accent marks.
9. You know the saying that the early bird gets the WORM!
[ ] ardilla
[x] gusano
[ ] abeja
[ ] mariposa
The Spanish word for worm is gusano.
10. I hope the dog doesn’t get bit by the SNAKE.
[ ] serpentina
[ ] estrella
[ ] suroeste
[x] serpiente
The Spanish word for snake is serpiente. Note that the first answer means streamer.