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Spanish and Subtraction

This Lesson is the second of three math lessons found in this first Level of Spanish. The three lessons were created to help you to be able to do mathematical problems using your Spanish numbers vocabulary. Remember, math works the same no matter which language it is worked out in so there will be no “trick” answers when it comes to the Lesson’s Quiz. In the previous lesson you learned to do addition (“adición” [Audio: 1]) problems using your Spanish vocabulary words. Now, with this Lesson, you are going to learn to do subtraction (“sustracción” [Audio: 2]) problems. We will do two problems together as follows.

  • (1) ochenta – veinte y tres = ?
  • That is: 80 + 23 = 57
  • 57 in Spanish is “cincuenta y siete”
  • ochenta – veinte y tres = cincuenta y siete
  • (2) diez - cinco = ?
  • That is: 10 - 5 = 6
  • 5 in Spanish is “cinco”
  • diez – cinco = cinco

There are no new vocabulary words to learn in this lesson so let’s move straight into the Lesson’s Task and then Quiz.


Once again, if you do not remember all of the Spanish vocabulary numbers or if you are having a rough time with them, please check out Lessons [007], [008] and [011] as they cover all the numbers from “zero” through “a hundred”. If you already feel pretty comfortable with the numbers, then please move on to the Lesson’s Quiz. Remember that you are “subtracting” and not “adding”.


As you will see, you will have to do the Quiz entirely in Spanish. Don’t worry – you can do it! Just remember that you need to “subtract”.

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