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Arts and Crafts: Elementary School: Grades 3, 4 and 5 Quizzes

Quizzes make learning fun! There is no quicker way to learn about Arts and Crafts in Elementary School - Grades 3, 4 and 5

We like the thinking of Scott Adams who said ‘Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep’

Mistakes are an important part of the learning process and children are wonderful mistake-makers when it comes to art! If they think that orange and pink make a good colour combination then fine.

And if children think that good picture composition is 95% sky and 5% fields then that’s also fine – they’ll learn quickly enough what works and what doesn’t both from their own efforts and those of the children around them.

Having said that, a few pointers in the right direction won’t go amiss. Children can get ideas about different techniques from the quizzes below and they will learn that a little thought before putting brush to paper might be worthwhile. They’ll also be introduced to the longevity of art, the fact that some paintings have been around for thousands of years and that what they paint today may be seen by people a thousand years hence.

So many paints in the tins and so many crayons in the box – let’s get started without further ado!

Quiz Title Options
Art History Art History Play
Design and Planning Design and Planning Play
Different Techniques Different Techniques Play
Drawing Skills Drawing Skills Play
Health and Safety Health and Safety Play
The Language of Art The Language of Art Play
Using Materials Using Materials Play

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