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Periodic Table - Group 1 Elements
Group 1 metals react with non-metals forming an ionic bond.

Periodic Table - Group 1 Elements

This Chemistry quiz is called 'Periodic Table - Group 1 Elements' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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A knowledge of the periodic table is a vital part of high school Chemistry. In this quiz we look at the group 1 elements - the alkali metals.

After many years of work by many different scientists, the periodic table was devised. The scientist given most credit was a Russian, Dimitri Mendeleev (pronounced Men-dell-ay-ef). He made the leap of faith that there were still many elements to be discovered and left gaps where he thought they should be. The metals account for most of the elements and appear on the left hand side of the table. The elements are arranged in vertical groups that contain elements that have similar chemical and physical properties.

The first group of elements of the periodic table is is made up from the most reactive metals. They have a variety of uses, for example lithium is used to manufacture laptop, tablet and cell phone batteries, sodium is used in street lighting, potassium in fertilizers and caesium for making extremely accurate 'atomic' clocks used by scientists.

Group 1 metals all react with cold water, in some cases very violently indeed. The reaction produces hydrogen gas and the hydroxide of the metal, which is strongly alkaline, giving the group its alternative name, the alkali metals. The reactions are exothermic, in fact, the heat released during the reaction of potassium and water is sufficient to ignite the hydrogen gas given off. The periodic table is all about patterns; as you descend the group, the metals become more reactive.

The reason for this and other patterns is the electron configuration. Group 1 is so-called because each of the elements has a single outer electron. During chemical reactions, atoms will either gain electrons, lose electrons or share electrons in order to achieve the structure of the nearest noble gas. It is only the outer electrons that are involved. The options for the group one elements are to either gain seven electrons or lose one electron - the latter is easier and this is exactly what happens. Atoms are neutral, they have the same number of electrons as protons. Since the number of protons remains the same during reactions, this loss of an electron means after reacting, the group one metals end up as ions with one positive charge. The reason that they are more reactive as you go down the group is that the outer electron is further from the nucleus. This means that they are not held as tightly and can be more easily lost.

Choose the correct order from the top to bottom of group 1.
Li, Na, Fr, K, Cs, Rb
Fr, Cs, Rb, K, Na, Li
Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr
Li, K, Na, Cs, Fr, Rb
The size of the atoms increases down the group
When a group 1 element reacts with water, a hydroxide is formed. What color would Universal Indicator turn in this solution?
This shows that an alkali has been formed
What gas is given off when group 1 elements react with water?
Chlorine gas
Water vapor
Hydrogen gas
Carbon dioxide gas
Hydrogen gas burns with a squeaky pop
Group 1 metals react with non-metals forming what type of bond?
One electron is transferred to a non-metal atom during the reaction
Group 1 elements only form what type of ion?
They all lose one electron to achieve the electron configuration of the nearest noble gas
How many electrons are in the outer shell of group 1 elements?
That is why their group is named 'group 1'
What color flame is seen when potassium reacts with water?
This is the characteristic color of the flame when sodium vapor ignites
Group 1 elements are also known as...
Alkali metals
Alkali earth metals
Noble gasses
When they react with water they form strong alkalis
Which of the following is NOT a property of group 1 metals?
Shiny when cut
Low density
Very hard
Low melting point
These metals can easily be cut using a scalpel
The reactivity of group 1 elements increases down the group. This is because...
it becomes easier to lose an electron
it becomes harder to lose an electron
it becomes easier to gain an electron
it becomes harder to gain an electron
It becomes easier because the attraction between the positive protons in the nucleus and the electrons in the outer shell becomes weaker as the distance becomes greater
Author:  Kate Gardiner

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