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Civics: High School: 9th and 10th Grade Quizzes

Quizzes make learning fun! There is no quicker way to learn about Civics in High School - Grades 9 and 10

Civics is an important subject at high school. Not only is it about tolerance, respect and acceptance – it can also open up avenues such as government, politics and justice.

If we want the world to be a better place (and who doesn’t?), then we need to learn to get on with each other, despite our differences. Diversity is all around us – from those with alternative beliefs and faiths to ours, to those with a completely different culture.

In an ideal world, we’d like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony. However, it isn’t an ideal world (at least not yet). So instead we are going to help you learn about your rights and responsibilities; living in communities and all that it entails; crime and punishment and even volunteering. There’s a lot to civics!

As you move up through high school Civics classes, you’ll delve a lot deeper into the Constitution and court rulings, morality, freedom, authority and the very meaning of being an American citizen.

We like the two following quotes from Aberjhani.

"The job facing American voters… in the days and years to come is to determine which hearts, minds and souls command those qualities best suited to unify a country rather than further divide it, to heal the wounds of a nation as opposed to aggravate its injuries, and to secure for the next generation a legacy of choices based on informed awareness rather than one of reactions based on unknowing fear".

"Democracy is not simply a license to indulge individual whims and proclivities. It is also holding oneself accountable to some reasonable degree for the conditions of peace and chaos that impact the lives of those who inhabit one’s beloved extended community".

Let’s help each other to make the world a better place.

Quiz Title Options
Community Living Community Living Play
Crime and Punishment Crime and Punishment Play
Diversity Diversity Play
Rights and Responsibilities Rights and Responsibilities Play
Volunteering Volunteering Play

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