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The Overture
A fanfare is a short piece of ceremonial music often played by brass.

The Overture

This Music quiz is called 'The Overture' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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An overture is literally an introduction. According to Leonard Bernstein, "Music can name the unnameable and communicate the unknowable."

See how much you know by playing this quiz which focuses on the Musical Overtures unit of the high school Music Year 8 curriculum.

What is the literal meaning of 'overture'?
Pause section
From the French word 'ouverture'
In that case, what is an overture?
An instrumental introduction to a large piece of music
A type of solo tenor aria
A 4-part chorale
None of the above
Strictly speaking, the instrumental introduction to large-scale dramatic, choral or sometimes instrumental compositions
When was the overture particularly prominent?
From the early 'Romantic' era
In 21st century compositions
In early music of the 1500s
It was never that popular amongst composers
Although symptoms of the overture are noticeable in music by C. Monteverdi (17th century)
Which of these are 'Romantic' composers?
Ludwig Van Beethoven
Carl Maria Von Weber
Franz Schubert
All of the above
What different types of music feature overtures?
20th century films
All of the above
The overture was particularly common in mid-20th century films and is often still used today
What is a particular characteristic of overtures?
They are often very quiet
They are played at the end of a concert
They aren't very long
They show a series of different and representative themes
For example in a musical or opera, those themes may represent characters or highlight a particular song
What is a transition?
A quiet 4-bar section between themes
A fast movement played in a large piece
A dividing musical section between main themes
None of the above
Often used in pieces with a sonta form structure
A 'pivot' chord is best described as .......
a loud chord
a quiet chord
a slow chord often played as an arpeggio
a transition chord between one key signature to the next
What best describes a fanfare?
A type of crowd chant at rock concerts
A short piece of ceremonial music often played by brass
A type of guitar solo usually played by fans' request
None of the above
Often accompanied by percussion
Which of the following wrote overtures?
R. Schumann
All of the above
Author:  Thomas Daish

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