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Algebra - Reciprocals 3 - (Moderate - Decimals)

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Algebra - Reciprocals 3 - (Moderate - Decimals)

This Math quiz is called 'Algebra - Reciprocals 3 - (Moderate - Decimals)' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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By now you should be starting to feel quite comfortable with reciprocals. They really are easy but if you forget how to work your problems, such as converting a mixed number to a proper fraction, your answer will be wrong.

Prior quizzes on reciprocals include the Reciprocals 1 (Easy) and Reciprocals 2 (Moderate – Mixed Numbers). If you have not reviewed and taken those quizzes you might want to do so now as what you will learn there will help you with this new quiz on finding the reciprocals for decimal numbers.

Just as a very brief reminder, a reciprocal is the inverted or reverse of a given number shown in the form of a fraction and the reciprocals when multiplied together will always equal “1”.

Moving forward, we need to find out how to find the reciprocal of a decimal number. For example, what would be the reciprocal of .6? Well, think of how you would say .6. More than likely you would not say something is equal to point 6 of something else but you would say something to the effect that something is six-tenths of something else. Well, how do you write out six-tenths? Right, it would be written as 6/10. Ah, now you have your fraction and what is the reciprocal of 6/10? Again you are right – it is 10/6.

Now, how would you work a problem if you were asked to find the sum of the reciprocals of .2 and .3? Well, let’s work that problem below.

This is a little more difficult than the last two reciprocal quizzes but if you follow the steps outlined, you should be able to catch on pretty quickly. So now that you have seen how reciprocals work with decimal points, check out the follow ten problems and see if you can work out the correct reciprocal solution.

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Author:  Christine G. Broome

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