Every Question Helps You Learn

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4,000 Teacher-Written Quizzes - Absolutely Free

Zero Cost for Teachers!

We're thrilled to offer you access to our "Self Marking Homework" programme, and the best part? It's yours forever, without spending a single penny!

Your students will be able to play any of the quizzes you set and they will never be asked to pay.

Registration means you can start setting quizzes as homework straight-away. For each online quiz you set, you will be able to see a real-time report of all the students who used the quiz, which questions they got right and which they got wrong.

Our unique programming means that no further registration is required and there are no complicated login details for you to worry about. More Details

To view a list of some of the schools who are already using our site, please see Schools Using Education Quizzes

Wondering if there's a catch?

Well there's only a tiny one… We value the feedback of educators. At the end of the school year, we'll send you a brief 5-question questionnaire about the Education Quizzes website. It would take less than 5 minutes to complete but if you choose not to respond, we promise not to bother you again.

Teachers - Click to go to Free registration

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