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The British Isles Quizzes

The place we call home.

George Mikes famously said, "When people say England, they sometimes mean Great Britain, sometimes the United Kingdom, sometimes the British Isles, - but never England."

* Individual countries are England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland.

* Ireland comprises Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland (Eire).

* The UK (United Kingdom) is England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.

* Great Britain is England, Wales and Scotland.

* The British Isles is Great Britain and Ireland and over six thousand surrounding smaller islands.

Quiz Title Options
Counties - English Counties 1 Counties - English Counties 1 Play
Counties - English Counties 2 Counties - English Counties 2 Play
Counties - English Counties 3 Counties - English Counties 3 Play
Counties - English Counties 4 Counties - English Counties 4 Play
Counties - English Counties 5 Counties - English Counties 5 Play

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