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Education Quizzes was started by Lisa and Colin King in 2012 as a revision site for children Studying KS3 Subjects 

It quickly became apparent that children wanted a fast and convenient way to prepare for crucial exams so 11 Plus Preparation was added, quickly followed by the Core GCSE Topics. Between then and now we have gradually "filled-in the spaces" of the other curriculum subjects and recruited more teachers to help us.

The concept is simple - make learning enjoyable so that the children WANT to learn at home. Our enthusiastic teachers believe the best way to achieve this is with quizzes. The content of the quizzes is closely aligned to the National Curriculum so children have fun reinforcing what they are being taught at schools throughout the UK.

The size of our team has grown considerably as the business has expanded but EVERYONE buys into the idea that we must make learning efficient and fun. You can read a little about each of the key players by clicking the images below.

To hear more about the development and aspirations of Education Quizzes then you might like to listen to the American podcast at Fathers After 50

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