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U.S. History : Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quizzes

Quizzes make learning fun! There is no quicker way to learn about U.S. History in Middle School - Grades 6, 7 and 8

How much do you know about the United States? Quite a bit you might think. After all, you are taught plenty of historical stuff at middle school about the wonderful and interesting country that we call home.

At Education Quizzes, we’ve taken the best bits from US history (specifically those you need to know about for any tests or exams), and jazzed them up into fun-to-play quizzes.

No longer do you have to wade through long, boring textbooks while your eyes slowly drop. No longer do you have to memorize dates by rote. Change the way you learn today and play some fun quizzes instead. You won’t even realize you’re actually learning facts about history because you’ll be enjoying yourself. Who knew review could be exciting?!

US History is full of surprising and devilishly good stories. We’ve even managed to find out a few facts that you probably won’t learn in your classes. Read on…

  • Uncle Sam was a real person called Samuel Wilson who, due to his friendly nature, became known as Uncle Sam.
  • American Independence Day is actually on July 2nd.
  • The Statue of Liberty has ‘Morton’s Toe’. Morton’s Toe is when your second toe is longer than your big toe.
  • On the subject of statues, there is a statue of George Washington in Trafalgar Square, London in the UK. After the American Revolution, the president vowed never to stand on English soil again, so the United States sent some real American soil for the statue to stand on.
  • On the floor of the US Senate there is a desk which is always full of candy.
  • The 33rd President of the United States was Harry S. Truman. His middle name doesn’t begin with S, it is S. His parents couldn’t quite decide what to call him and so left it as it was.

Now you’ve had a taste of the more unusual historical facts about the U.S., it’s time for you young historians to play some quizzes.

Quiz Title Options
Abolition of Slavery in the USA 1 Abolition of Slavery in the USA 1 Play
Abolition of Slavery in the USA 2 Abolition of Slavery in the USA 2 Play
Racial Unrest and Civil Rights in the USA 1 Racial Unrest and Civil Rights in the USA 1 Play
Racial Unrest and Civil Rights in the USA 2 Racial Unrest and Civil Rights in the USA 2 Play
Racial Unrest and Civil Rights in the USA 3 Racial Unrest and Civil Rights in the USA 3 Play
Racial Unrest and Civil Rights in the USA 4 Racial Unrest and Civil Rights in the USA 4 Play
USA: 1840-1895 - Conflict Between White Americans And Plains Indians USA: 1840-1895 - Conflict Between White Americans And Plains Indians Play
USA: 1840-1895- Plains Indians, Settling And Spread Of Cattle-Ranching USA: 1840-1895- Plains Indians, Settling And Spread Of Cattle-Ranching Play
USA: 1919-1932 - The US Economy In The 1920s USA: 1919-1932 - The US Economy In The 1920s Play
USA: 1919-1932 - The Wall Street Crash And The Depression USA: 1919-1932 - The Wall Street Crash And The Depression Play
USA: 1919-1932 - US Society In The 1920s USA: 1919-1932 - US Society In The 1920s Play
USA: 1932-1941 - The Presidential Election Of 1932 And The First New Deal USA: 1932-1941 - The Presidential Election Of 1932 And The First New Deal Play
USA: 1932-1941 - The Second New Deal USA: 1932-1941 - The Second New Deal Play
USA: 1945-1975 - Civil Rights In The 1970s And The Civil Rights Of Other Groups USA: 1945-1975 - Civil Rights In The 1970s And The Civil Rights Of Other Groups Play
USA: 1945-1975 - Land Of Freedom? McCarthyism And The Fear Of Communism USA: 1945-1975 - Land Of Freedom? McCarthyism And The Fear Of Communism Play
USA: 1945-1975 - Land Of Freedom? US Society In The 1960s And 1970s USA: 1945-1975 - Land Of Freedom? US Society In The 1960s And 1970s Play
USA: 1945-1975 - The Struggle For Civil Rights In The 1960s USA: 1945-1975 - The Struggle For Civil Rights In The 1960s Play

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