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Math - Counting 40 to 59!
Continue practicing counting in Spanish in this enjoyable quiz.

Math - Counting 40 to 59!

This Spanish Easy Review math quiz tests you on counting from 40 through 59. We are now finally starting to get up there in numbers! Really, after learning the numbers zero through thirty-nine it gets pretty easy to count in Spanish. As you have previously learned, the numbers 16 through 19 and 21 through 29 are stated as 'ten and six' through 'ten and nine' and 'twenty and one' through 'twenty and nine'. In addition, each number can be said in two different ways by connecting the three words into one word. However, when we got to the thirties, there was only one way to say the numbers, i.e. 'thirty and one' through 'thirty and nine'. The same holds true for the numbers in the forties and fifties, i.e. 'forty and one' through 'forty and nine' and 'fifty and one' through 'fifty and nine'.

This quiz will address twenty numbers (40-59) but, in reality, you only have to learn two new numbers, 'forty' (cuarenta) and 'fifty' (cincuenta). That should make things pretty easy don’t you think! Still, it is always good to practice saying each one. So let’s now look at the new numbers and their phonetic pronunciations.

Number English Spanish Pronounced As:
40 forty cuarenta quaw-ān-tăh
41 forty-one cuarenta y uno quaw-ān-tăh-ē-oo-nō
42 forty-two cuarenta y dos quaw-ān-tăh-ē-dōse
43 forty-three cuarenta y tres quaw-ān-tăh-ē-trěs
44 forty-four cuarenta y cuatro quaw-ān-tăh-ē-quaw-trō
45 forty-five cuarenta y cinco quaw-ān-tăh-ē-sink-ō
46 forty-six cuarenta y seis quaw-ān-tăh-ē-sěs
47 forty-seven cuarenta y siete quaw-ān-tăh-ē-see-et-ā
48 forty-eight cuarenta y ocho quaw-ān-tăh-ē-ō-chō
49 forty-nine cuarenta y nueve quaw-ān-tăh-ē-new-ěv-ā
50 fifty cincuenta sin-quain-tăh
51 fifty-one cincuenta y uno sin-quain-tăh-ē-oo-nō
52 fifty-two cincuenta y dos sin-quain-tăh-ē-dōse
53 fifty-three cincuenta y tres sin-quain-tăh-ē-trěs
54 fifty-four cincuenta y cuatro sin-quain-tăh-ē-quaw-trō
55 fifty-five cincuenta y cinco sin-quain-tăh-ē-sink-ō
56 fifty-six cincuenta y seis sin-quain-tăh-ē-sěs
57 fifty-seven cincuenta y siete sin-quain-tăh-ē-see-et-ā
58 fifty-eight cincuenta y ocho sin-quain-tăh-ē-ō-chō
59 fifty-nine cincuenta y nueve sin-quain-tăh-ē-new-ěv-ā

Practice saying each of the numbers out loud so you can hear how they are pronounced. Also pay close attention to how each one is spelled. Learning the spellings now will help you later on as you begin to have to read and write in Spanish.

Once you are ready and believe you have a good grasp on the Spanish numbers 40 to 59, move on to the quiz questions to see just how well you have learned them!

There are how many weeks in a year?
cincuenta y dos
cincuenta y seis
cuarenta y dos
There are cincuenta y dos (52) weeks in a year.
If you are a half of a century old, how old are you?
If you are a half of a century old you are cincuenta (50).
Caroline’s father turned 47. What would that be in Spanish?
cuarenta y siete
cuarenta y seis
cincuenta y siete
cuarenta y ocho
The number 47 in Spanish is cuarenta y siete.
Which of the numbers below is the largest number?
cuarenta y tres
cuarenta y uno
cincuenta y cinco
cincuenta y nueve
The first answer is the number 43. The second answer is the number 41. The third answer is the number 55 and the last answer is the number 59.
If I were given 22 red shirts and 22 blue shirts, how many shirts would I have all together?
veinte y cuatro
treinta y cuatro
cuarenta y cuatro
cincuenta y cuatro
22 red shirts and 22 blue shirts equals a total of 44 shirts or cuarenta y cuatro.
Which of the numbers below is the smallest number?
cincuenta y uno
cuarenta y ocho
cuarenta y nueve
cincuenta y seis
The first answer is 51. The second answer is 48. The third answer is 49 and the last answer is 56.
If Puerto Rico becomes a state, how many states will make up the United States?
cincuenta y uno
cincuenta y dos
cincuenta y cuatro
cincuenta y seis
If Pueto Rico were to become a state, the United States would have cincuenta y uno (51) states.
What is the middle number between 40 and 50?
cuarenta y seis
cuarenta y cinco
The middle number between 40 and 50 is cuarenta y cinco (45).
The number 43 in Spanish is ____.
treinta y tres
veinte y tres
cincuenta y tres
cuarenta y tres
The number 43 in Spanish is cuarenta y tres.
Which of the numbers below is the largest number?
cincuenta y cuatro
cincuenta y seis
cuarenta y nueve
cincuenta y cinco
The first answer is 54. The second answer is 56. The third answer is 49 and the last answer is 55.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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