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Adjectives 3 - Types of Adjectives
I have seen some biscuits in the box... but they probably won't be there for long!

Adjectives 3 - Types of Adjectives

In the previous two quizzes we learnt that an adjective is a part of speech and plays an important role in English. We learnt about simple adjectives and how they can be used to describe things, places, persons or even ideas. Just as adjectives are able to describe and add meaning to nouns they can also be used to modify pronouns.

An example of an adjective that modifies a pronoun is the following:

"She was asked to take care of HER books."

Here, HER is the possessive case of SHE and it is used as an adjective. Adjectives are also classified into different types. Possessive Adjectives signify ownership or possession:

"He was directed to park HIS car in the designated place." Here, HIS is used as a possessive adjective.

Demonstrative Adjectives identify specific items or people:

"If she comes across THOSE thieves again, she will call the police." Here, THOSE is used as a demonstrative adjective.

Indefinite Adjectives describe nouns in a non-specific way. 'Any,' 'Each,' and 'Many' are the most common indefinite adjectives and they are called as such because they do not pinpoint any particular thing, place, idea or person. For instance:

"In the zoo MOST animals are tame." Here, MOST is an indefinite adjective.

Adjectives perform the function of qualifying a noun or a pronoun and they help to communicate a message much better than just a noun or a pronoun would. As you begin to improve your English you will learn newer ways of qualifying or modifying nouns and pronouns that will help you to improve your communication abilities. Take the following quiz and the correct answers will help you to find out the type of adjectives the sentence possesses.

"In the last FEW days, SEVERAL animals were shot by MANY poachers." - Which type of adjectives are the words in capitals?
An adjective that modifies the pronoun.
Indefinite Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjective.
Possessive Adjective.
FEW, SEVERAL and MANY are indefinite adjectives that qualify their respective nouns, 'days', 'animals' and 'poachers'
"He was asked to spot the car that crashed and he identified the RED one." - Which type of adjective is the word in capitals?
An adjective that modifies the pronoun.
Indefinite Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjective.
Possessive Adjective.
The car is the noun and 'one' is its pronoun in the sentence. RED one means 'red car'
"The students were caught cheating and the teacher confiscated THEIR answer papers." - Which type of adjective is the word in capitals?
An adjective that modifies the pronoun.
Indefinite Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjective.
Possessive Adjective.
Though THEIR is usually a pronoun, in this sentence it is a possessive adjective
"I have seen SOME biscuits in the box." - Which type of adjective is the word in capitals?
An adjective that modifies the pronoun.
Indefinite Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjective.
Possessive Adjective.
SOME is an indefinite adjective although it can be used as an indefinite pronoun as well
"He was asked to take possession of MY cycle." - Which type of adjective is the word in capitals?
An adjective that modifies the pronoun.
Indefinite Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjective.
Possessive Adjective.
'I' possess the cycle and therefore MY is a possessive adjective
"Can you see THAT plane?" - Which type of adjective is the word in capitals?
An adjective that modifies the pronoun.
Indefinite Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjective.
Possessive Adjective.
THAT is a demonstrative adjective, normally used to point out objects
"The BRAVE few fought the war." - Which type of adjective is the word in capitals?
An adjective that modifies the pronoun.
Indefinite Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjective.
Possessive Adjective.
'Few' is the pronoun that is modified by the adjective BRAVE
"Did you see ANY person come on this road?" "No, I saw NO one come here." - Which type of adjectives are the words in capitals?
An adjective that modifies the pronoun.
Indefinite Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjective.
Possessive Adjective.
In these sentences ANY and NO are indefinite adjectives
"Dog collars will be given to THOSE dogs that are trained." - Which type of adjective is the word in capitals?
An adjective that modifies the pronoun.
Indefinite Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjective.
Possessive Adjective.
'Those' refers to trained dogs specifically and hence it is a demonstrative adjective
"If he sees THAT burglar again, he will call the police." - Which type of adjective is the word in capitals?
An adjective that modifies the pronoun.
Indefinite Adjective.
Demonstrative Adjective.
Possessive Adjective.
THAT is a demonstrative adjective as it identifies a specific burglar
Author:  V T Narendra

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