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Verbs 04 - Present Perfect and Simple Past Verbs
We woke up early to watch the sunrise.

Verbs 04 - Present Perfect and Simple Past Verbs

In the previous quiz we studied regular and irregular verbs and their simple past forms. Now we look at past participles.

For regular verbs the past participle form is the same as a simple past form. However, for irregular verbs such as TAKE, the past form is TOOK and the past participle form is TAKEN. Past participles are used as part of the present perfect tenses. The present perfect of any verb comprises an auxiliary verb and the past participle of the main verb. Look at these examples:

‘I TALKED to my sister.’ In this sentence, TALKED is a verb in the simple past tense, telling us something that happened in the past.

‘I HAVE TALKED to my sister.’. This sentence tells us that an action started in the past continues at the time of speaking. HAVE is an auxiliary verb and TALKED is the past participle.

Just as we saw in the previous quizzes, verbs depend on singular or plural form and also tense, and this includes auxiliary verbs. In the example sentences above the verb TALKED has not changed with the use of SHE or THEY. It also does not change when I is used. Now look at this sentence:

‘She HAS talked to my sister.’ You will notice the change in the auxiliary verb from HAVE to HAS. However, for the plural form HAVE is used just as in the first person singular form:

'They HAVE talked to my sister.'

For regular verbs, since the past participle form is the same as a simple past form, the use of the auxiliary verb is as follows:

‘The children WATCHED the animals in the zoo.’
'The children HAVE WATCHED the animals in the zoo.’
‘He WATCHED the animals in the zoo.’
‘He HAS WATCHED the animals in the zoo.’

You will notice that WATCHED has remained the same throughout as WATCH is a regular verb. By playing the quiz that follows you will learn more about such verbs.

Change the following sentence to simple past - "The heavy rain has caused a traffic jam."
The heavy rain causen a traffic jam.
The heavy rain caused a traffic jam.
The heavy rain cause a traffic jam.
The heavy rain has causes a traffic jam.
The simple past of 'cause' is CAUSED
Change the following sentence to present perfect - "We woke up early to watch the sunrise."
We has woke up early to watch the sunrise.
We have woken up early to watch the sunrise.
We have woke up early to watch the sunrise.
We has woken up early to watch the sunrise.
The simple past form of WAKE is WOKEN and the past participle of WAKE is also WOKEN. The auxiliary verb is HAVE as the subject (we) is plural
Change the following sentence to simple past - "The bird has flown from the tree."
The bird flown from the tree.
The bird flew from the tree.
The bird flows from the tree.
The bird has flewed from the tree.
The simple past of 'fly' is FLEW
Change the following sentence to present perfect - "The tigress gave birth to three cubs."
The tigress have given birth to three cubs.
The tigress gave birth to three cubs.
The tigress has given birth to three cubs.
The tigress gave birth to three cubs.
The simple past form of GIVE is GAVE and the past participle of GIVE is GIVEN. The auxiliary verb is HAS as the subject (the tigress) is singular
Change the following sentence to present perfect - "World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand played chess with his mother when he was six years old."
World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand has played chess with his mother when he was six years old.
World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand have played chess with his mother when he was six years old.
World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand has play chess with his mother when he was six years old.
World Chess Champion Viswanathan Anand have play chess with his mother when he was six years old.
The simple past form of PLAY is PLAYED and the past participle of PLAY is also PLAYED. The auxiliary verb is HAS as the subject (Viswanathan Anand) is singular
Change the following sentence to simple past - "She has taken her dog for a walk."
She taken her dog for a walk
She take her dog for a walk
She took her dog for a walk.
She taked her dog for a walk.
The simple past of 'take' is TOOK
Change the following sentence to simple past - "Sunita has given my notebook to her friend."
Sunita gives my notebook to her friend.
Sunita gived my notebook to her friend.
Sunita given my notebook to her friend.
Sunita gave my notebook to her friend.
The simple past of 'give' is GAVE
Change the following sentence to present perfect - "The farmers harvested the wheat and stored it away."
The farmers has harvest the wheat and stored it away
The farmers have harvest the wheat and stored it away
The farmers has harvested the wheat and stored it away
The farmers have harvested the wheat and stored it away
The simple past form of HARVEST is HARVESTED and the past participle of HARVEST is also HARVESTED. The auxiliary verb is HAVE as the subject (the farmers) is plural
Change the following sentence to present perfect - "The boys went to the zoo."
The boys have gone to the zoo.
The boys have went to the zoo.
The boys has gone to the zoo.
The boys has gone to the zoo.
The simple past form of GO is WENT and the past participle of GO is GONE. The auxiliary verb in the sentence is HAVE as the subject (the boys) is plural
Change the following sentence to simple past - "We have lived in Patna for many years."
We lived in Patna for many years.
We live in Patna for many years.
We lives in Patna for many years.
We liven in Patna for many years.
The simple past of 'live' is LIVED
Author:  V T Narendra

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