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Statue of Abraham Lincoln with trees
Read about Lincoln and then answer the questions.

Grade 4 Speaking / Listening - Reasons and Evidence

This English Language quiz is called 'Reasons and Evidence' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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When a speaker is informing or persuading their audience, they should provide reasons and evidence. These elements in a speech are important for the audience. They should be able to determine the reasons and evidence provided in a speech. These reasons support the main points. In this quiz, students will be answering questions about reasons and evidence in the speech.

Story - Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln is one of the most popular past presidents. People know many things about Lincoln’s entire life including his childhood. Lincoln’s popularity has continued throughout the decades since he died in 1865. Lincoln’s popularity is due to his humble beginnings, strong education and assassination.

Lincoln accomplished many things in both of his law career and politics, but it all started from his humble beginnings. Since Lincoln was born in a one-room log cabin to parents who were farmers, it is evident that his family had very little money. Even though Lincoln did not have enough money to go to school or buy books, he made do with what he had. Lincoln’s mother instilled a desire to constantly learn especially from nature. Also, Lincoln was humorous and had to be because he moved a lot. His family lost their farmland and would have to move elsewhere.

Even though Lincoln did not have a formal education, he was able to educate himself. Occasionally a teacher would come by the area where he lived to teach him. However, this did not last for very long. Lincoln acquired books and taught himself to read and write. When Lincoln needed more books, he would trade in the ones he had. Lincoln also passed the bar exam to become a lawyer. With his knowledge, he did law work and then became a politician.

Another reason why many people remember Abraham Lincoln compared to the other presidents is due to his assassination. Only four presidents died by being shot by a gun while being president. Abraham Lincoln is one of them. The situation surrounding his assassination was also unusual. Other members of the government were attacked on the same night that Lincoln was assassinated. Also, this president was shot in front of a large group of people watching a play. As a matter of fact, a well-known actor shot the president. Many people in the audience did not know if this was part of the play.

To conclude, Lincoln became a household name due to his childhood and education as well as the way his life was taken. Even though Lincoln died over 150 years ago, he is still remembered today and will probably continue to be remembered for years to come.
1 .
Which point supports the reason below?
Lincoln lived in a log cabin that had only one room.
This reason shows how poor Lincoln was during his childhood.
2 .
Which point supports the reason below?
People at the theater did not know what was happening.
Lincoln's assassination happened during a play in front of many people.
3 .
Which point supports the reason below?
Lincoln traded things for books.
This reason is included in Lincoln's education.
4 .
Which point supports the reason below?
Other government officials were hurt in 1865.
This reason took place during Lincoln's assassination. Even though the other officials were injured, they did not die.
5 .
What is a reason to support Lincoln's education making him so popular?
Lincoln lived in a one-room log cabin.
Lincoln had to teach himself.
Lincoln was killed by a famous person.
Lincoln was the 16th president.
Lincoln's education mainly involved him teaching himself except for about 18 months of schooling that he received.
6 .
Which of the following is NOT a point that the author is trying to make?
Since Lincoln is remembered above many other presidents, his childhood, education and assassination is what makes him popular.
7 .
What is a reason to support Lincoln's childhood for making him popular?
Lincoln lived in a one-room log cabin.
Lincoln had to teach himself.
Lincoln was killed by a famous person.
Lincoln was the 16th president.
This reason supports the main point about his childhood.
8 .
What is a reason to support Lincoln's assassination making him so popular?
Lincoln lived in a one-room log cabin.
Lincoln had to teach himself.
Lincoln was killed by a famous person.
Lincoln was the 16th president.
This reason about being killed by a famous person supports the main point of assassination.
9 .
Which point supports the reason below?
Teachers only came by Lincoln's town every few weeks.
This point shows that Lincoln's education was important to him since he only had access to a teacher for a short period of time.
10 .
Which point supports the reason below?
Lincoln became a lawyer by passing the test.
This reason supports the point about education.
Author:  Amy Flanders

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