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Grade 5 Language - Compare and Contrast
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Grade 5 Language - Compare and Contrast

This English Language quiz is called 'Compare and Contrast' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Dialects are words that have the same or similar meaning but the actual words in that term are different in various areas of the country. However, many people will understand what the writer is meaning. These terms can be figured out. Sometimes, dialects use the same words, but they are pronounced differently. In this quiz, the students will figure out the meaning of the word based on the dialect and context clues.

1 .
What is the meaning of the capitalized word in the sentence below?
While visiting Georgia, I ate SNAP BEANS with my mashed potatoes and gravy.
An action you do with your fingers
A loud musical instrument
A green vegetable
A small red fruit
Some people call them snap beans and sometimes they are called green beans
2 .
What is the meaning of the capitalized word in the sentence below?
In Kansas, we got water from the SPIGOT out back.
In certain places of the United States, people refer to a spigot as a faucet
3 .
What is the meaning of the capitalized word in the sentence below?
Since the woman had gone to the grocery store many times, she had a drawer full of plastic POKES to carry items in.
A sale on groceries
To punch someone slightly with a finger
A pouch or sack
A cart for carrying groceries
In the South, people call the plastic bags pokes
4 .
What is the meaning of the capitalized word in the sentence below?
My dog sniffed a black and white POLECAT which caused him to stink up the whole house.
Skunks are sometimes referred to as polecats
5 .
What is the meaning of the capitalized word in the sentence below?
“I need to WARSH my hands before dinner,” said Tom.
To get something clean
To eat food
To take a nap
To be strict
In the South, warsh really means to wash
6 .
What is the meaning of the capitalized word in the sentence below?
Since I didn’t wash my hands, I TOOK A COLD.
Was uncomfortable with the temperature
Got angry
Stole something
Got sick with a cold
Instead of saying that someone 'caught a cold,' they may say that they 'took a cold'
7 .
What is the meaning of the capitalized word in the sentence below?
"The counter is GRIZI," my southern cousin said as she went to get a rag to wipe it off.
Completely clean
Oily and dirty
In the South, people pronounce the word 'greasy' with a 'z' sound in it
8 .
What is the meaning of the capitalized word in the sentence below?
We saw many CHIPMUNKS running around on the ground and in the trees.
A large animal similar to a big dog
A small animal like a squirrel
A harmless snake
Grass growing on the ground
Sometimes, chipmunks are called ground squirrels
9 .
What is the meaning of the capitalized word in the sentence below?
Before I cast my line into the lake, I baited it with an ANGLEWORM.
Fishing pole
Big shark
Fishing worm
Bait is sometimes referred to as an angelworm or fishing worm
10 .
What is the meaning of the capitalized word in the sentence below?
I put my extra bags of candy into a SACK and slung it over my shoulder.
A cloth bag with a strap
A large bowl
A sack may be a cloth bag with a strap in some areas
Author:  Amy Flanders

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