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Grade 5 Reading Literature - Comprehension 3
What could possibly be inside?

Grade 5 Reading Literature - Comprehension 3

This English Language quiz is called 'Comprehension 3' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Comprehension is about understanding the meaning of words. The more books you read - and the wider your choice of books - the better you will become at understanding what you read. You will be able to understand not only the facts and whatever is obvious - you will also see the underlying and hidden meanings the author has included in the story.

Next time you are reading a book, take some time to look for any unspoken (but hinted at) messages in the story - you may be surprised to find there are plenty!

Here's another chance to practice your reading comprehension.

Julia gave the parcel a tentative shake. 'What could possibly be inside?' she wondered. What does the word 'tentative' mean?
Rather than use the same word again, use synonyms in your writing.
She considered the label again. 'For Julia,' it said, 'NOT to be opened before midnight.' What effect do the capital letters of 'NOT' have?
The person who wrote the label doesn't know how to use capital letters.
The capital letters emphasize the command.
Julia is shouting the word 'NOT'.
'NOT' is always written in capital letters.
Capital letters or italics are sometimes used for emphasis.
What might happen next?
Julia will open the parcel anyway.
Julia will wait until midnight to open the parcel.
Julia will put the parcel somewhere safe and forget about it.
Any of the above.
In a story, almost anything can happen. The one thing you would not expect from this story about Julia is for the author to forget about the parcel and never mention it again.
She placed the parcel gently on the table before sitting down. Who would know if she opened it a little bit early? Why doesn't this question have speech marks?
Julia is thinking it to herself.
The author forgot the speech marks.
Someone else has asked Julia the question.
Questions don't need speech marks.
Julia is asking herself the question - she is wondering what will happen if she doesn't wait until midnight.
What type of question is it?
A rhetorical question does not need an answer.
The sender had meticulously wrapped the mysterious object with brown paper, edges neatly folded and taped down with precision. What does this sentence tell us about the unknown sender?
The sender is very practical.
The sender works for the post office.
The sender pays attention to small details.
The sender must know Julia.
A 'meticulous' person pays careful attention to small details.
Absent-mindedly, Julia picked at a corner of the paper with her fingernail. She heard a sound like the creak of a rusty gate being opened for the first time in a decade. One of these sentences contains an example of what?
A metaphor
A simile
'A sound like the creak of a rusty gate' is a simile.
She tugged at the paper. Creak. She tore the paper again. Scritch. And again! Scratch! What techniques have been used in these sentences?
Onomatopoeia and repetition
Remember to look at all the answers first before making your choice.
What is the effect of the techniques used in question eight?
To create a somber mood.
To build suspense.
To give the reader factual information.
All of the above.
Imagine if the sentence had simply said, 'Julia opened the parcel'.
Julia could no longer restrain herself. She grabbed the paper with both hands and ripped it from the parcel. Which word does NOT describe Julia's actions?
What do you think might be in the parcel?
Author:  Sheri Smith

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