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Chemistry - Ionic Bonding
Magnesium is in group II of the periodic table.

Chemistry - Ionic Bonding

This Chemistry quiz is called 'Chemistry - Ionic Bonding' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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By the time Science students reach high school, they should have a good grasp of the fundamental ideas in chemistry. This quiz looks specifically at ionic bonding of atoms via the transfer of electrons.

The Greeks first came up with the idea of the atom as being the smallest possible piece of matter. We now know that atoms are made from even smaller particles, arranged as a small central nucleus made from protons and neutrons surrounded by even smaller particles called electrons. The theory of atoms was not really taken seriously until the nineteenth century when a scientist called John Dalton was alive. Dalton suggested that each element is made of atoms of just one particular sort. He realized that the atoms of any element are different from the atoms of any other element. So in other words, iron contains a different type of atoms from those of oxygen, and the atoms in carbon are different from those of hydrogen. He also correctly recognized that compounds are made from different types of atom joined together.

Dalton worked out that during chemical reactions, the atoms in the chemicals at the start were simply rearranged to form the products. The original atoms are still there but joined up differently - but he was never able to explain how they did this. Dalton's theories took a long time to be accepted by other scientists since it was not possible to do the experiments needed to support his theories - atoms are too small to see.

Eventually, as scientists discovered more and more about the structure of atoms, they began to understand how they join together. It is all to do with the electrons which either transfer or are shared between atoms. When non-metals react together, they share electrons to form covalent bonds, but when a metal reacts with a non-metal, electrons transfer from one atom to another and this is called ionic bonding. In ionic bonding, metals always lose electrons forming positive ions whilst non-metals always gain them to form negative ions. The opposite charges attract and it is that attraction that is the ionic bond.

Magnesium is in group II of the periodic table. How many electrons would it transfer when it reacts with oxygen and what would the charge be on its ion?
1 electron, +1 ion
2 electrons, +2 ion
3 electrons, +2 ion
4 electrons +3 ion
You get the number of electrons in the outer shell from the group number. For each electron lost, the metal ends up with one positive charge. So here, two electrons lost mean that the magnesium ion must end up with two positive charges
Which sub-atomic particles are involved in chemical bonding?
All af them
Chemicals join together by transferring or sharing electrons. Their nuclei remain unchanged
When sodium and chlorine react what happens to their electrons?
One electron is transferred from the sodium to the chlorine
One electron is transferred from the chlorine to the sodium
The chlorine and the sodium share an electron
Seven electrons are transferred from the chlorine to the sodium
In ionic bonding, the electrons are always transferred from metal to non-metal
Which of the following statements is not correct about chlorine?
Chlorine gas is poisonous
Chlorine has six electrons in its outer energy level
Chlorine's outer energy level is not full which means it is a reactive non-metal
Chlorine forms a negative ion
Chlorine is in group VII of the periodic table and therefore has seven electrons in its outer energy level
What is the ionic bond between sodium and chlorine?
A pair of shared electrons
The nucleus of the sodium atom sticks to the chlorine
Particles called gluons attach the two atoms to each other
An electrostatic charge holds them together
When the sodium atom loses an electron it has more protons than electrons. This means it has a small positive charge overall. The opposite happens with the chlorine and the two charges attract each other
When metals bond with non-metals what happens to their electrons?
The metals lose electrons
The metals gain electrons
The metals share their electrons
The metals keep the same number of electrons
This means that they form positive ions
Potassium is in the same group of the periodic table as sodium but lower down the group. This means what?
Potassium is less popular
Potassium has more electrons in its outer energy level
Potassium will react more slowly
Potassium will form ionic compounds with non-metals
All metals, not just those in group I of the periodic table, will form ionic compounds with non-metals
46g of sodium react with how much oxygen to produce 110g of sodium oxide?
Don't be put off by the fact that this is a calculation - remember the Law of Conservation of Mass. You know there is 110g of product so there must have been 110g of reactants to begin with. You know the mass of sodium so the difference must be the mass of oxygen needed
Why is sodium a reactive metal?
It has a low melting point
It is silvery-grey in color
It has one electron in its outer energy level (electron shell)
It has seven electrons in its outer shell
Having just 1 electron in its outer energy level is not as stable as having a full one. If it loses the electron, all of the remaining energy levels are full and it is much more stable
Which of the following reactions does not involve ionic bonding?
sodium + chlorine → sodium chloride
sulfur and oxygen → sulfur dioxide
iron and oxygen → iron oxide
zinc and nitric acid → zinc nitrate and water
Sulfur and oxygen are non-metals therefore covalent bonding takes place
Author:  Kev Woodward

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