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The Miracles of Shri Krishna - The Narrator of the Srimad Bhagwat Gita
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The Miracles of Shri Krishna - The Narrator of the Srimad Bhagwat Gita

Historically, the great incarnation of Lord Vishnu, Shri Krishna, belongs to the end of the Dwapar Yuga, the third age. The position occupied by him and the role he played in the epic war of Mahabharata are extremely significant and important. The Mahabharata war gave birth to Srimad Bhagwat Gita, which is the celestial divine speech (Devavani) of Shri Krishna.

Scholars have concluded that the epic war of Mahabharata broke out on 12th November 3143 B.C. They came to this result with the help of all the available literary documents and historical records. Also the positions of constellations and astronomical calculations played a major role in calculating the time of the event, some 5,152 years ago. In the ancient method used in India, time was calculated in terms of Kalpas and Yugas. Yugabda marked the beginning of a new era. Astronomically, the present Yuga is Kaliyuga and it started 5,109 years ago. Shri Krishna passed away during the few initial years of Kaliyuga.

1 .
Which of these is not an alias of Krishna?
Matsya and Varaha are incarnations of Vishnu, as is Krishna. Hrishikesh means "Master of the Senses", another of his names. Sita was the wife of Sri Rama, another incarnation of Vishnu
2 .
In which modern day country is Vrindavan, the place where Krishna spent 20 of his years on Earth?
Sri Lanka
Vrindavan, in Uttar Pradesh, India, is where Lord Krishna spent his childhood and early life, as recorded in the Mahabharata. It is not far from his place of birth, Mathura
3 .
Who created ISKCON, an organisation devoted to Krishna?
Mahatma Gandhi
Bhakti Sidantha Swami
Jawaharlal Nehru
There are over 108 ISKCON temples in the world. ISKCON stands for the International Society for Krishna Conciousness
4 .
What is the colour of Krishna's skin in most icons?
According to the Radha Sharadbihari ISKCON temple in Philadelphia, USA, blue is also Krishna's favourite colour
5 .
What does Krishna's name mean?
Krishna is usually depicted with dark blue skin, hence the name. If you read about Krishna's past times you can see that he was considered very attractive. That's why his name is sometimes translated also as "all-attractive"
6 .
What is Rathayatra?
The festival of the chariots
An epic story
The birthday of Lord Krishna
A demon
Rath means 'cart' and 'yatra' means pilgrimage
7 .
What is the name of Krishna's brother?
Krishna has no brother
Vasudeva is Krishna's real father and Sudama is his friend. Nanda Maharaja is Krishna's adopted father. Balarama and Krishna were both born to Rohini, though she was not their real mother. Their spirits had been implanted into her before their birth
8 .
Which of these descriptions doesn't apply to A.C. Bhakdivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad?
The founder of ISKCON
A pious devotee
A real person
An avatar of Krishna
A.C. Bhakdivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupa spread Krishna Consciousness all over the world. Now there are many temples all over the globe. ISKCON is commonly known as the Hare Krishna Movement
9 .
Who is the deity in the temple in Vrindavan, the town where Krishna once lived?
Radha Shyamsundar
Radha Rasabhihari
Radha Gopal
Rukmini Dwarkadis
Radha Gopal is in San Jose, Radha Rasabhihari is in Mumbai and Rukmini Dwarkadesh is in Los Angeles. There are different deities in every temple, each having its own special features
10 .
Whom did Krishna marry?
Krishna was married to Rukmini Devi. Radharani was his close friend, who loved him deeply. She and Krishna were also lovers


Author:  Siddarth Bhattacharjee

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