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Eyes and Ears
The colored part of the eye is the iris.

Eyes and Ears

This Science quiz is called 'Eyes and Ears' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at elementary school. Playing educational quizzes is an enjoyable way to learn if you are in the 3rd, 4th or 5th grade - aged 8 to 11.

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Eyes and ears are the sense organs that enable sight and hearing. The ability to hear sound is very important - it helps us to communicate via language and to hear danger approaching. Vision is even more important - most of the things we do in our everyday lives (reading, writing, catching a ball etc.) rely on our sight. The famous magician, escapologist, entertainer and stunt artist, Harry Houdini, once said, "What the eyes see and the ear hears, the mind believes." But just how do these amazing sense organs work?

1 .
Which of the following protects the eye?
The cornea
The retina
The iris
The eyelids
The eyelids, as their name suggests, are protective lids, or covers, for the eyes
2 .
Sound waves travel down the ear canal before hitting what?
The pinna
The inner ear
The ear lobes
The ear drum
The ear drum vibrates when it is hit by sound waves - these vibrations then cause the ossicles to vibrate
3 .
Sound waves cause which three small bones in the ear to vibrate?
The ossicles are the smallest bones in the human body
4 .
Which nerve takes signals from the ear to the brain?
Spinal nerve
Optic nerve
Auditory nerve
Olfactory nerve
Auditory means 'related to hearing'
5 .
The lens focuses images onto what at the back of the eye?
The retina
The pupil
The cornea
The retina is a group of cells that are sensitive to light. They send messages along the optic nerve to the brain, which forms an image
6 .
Which is the colored part of the eye?
The cornea
The pupil
The iris
The retina
The color of the iris is what we mean when we say someone has brown or blue or green eyes. Although it looks black, the pupil has no color, because it is a hole
7 .
Which nerve takes signals from the eye to the brain?
Spinal nerve
Optic nerve
Auditory nerve
Olfactory nerve
Optic means 'related to vision'
8 .
How can you look after your ears?
By not listening too often to very loud music
By never putting anything in your ear
By wearing ear protectors around loud machinery
All of the above
If you look after your ears you should always be able to hear
9 .
The ear has two main functions - one is to hear but what is the other?
To sense changes in the weather
To sense changes in position
To sense changes in temperature
To regulate hormones
Being filled with fluid, the ear can detect any movement we make, therefore helping us to balance - the skin detects changes in temperature, while we use several senses together in order to detect changes in the weather
10 .
What does the eye respond to?
Although our eyes allow us to see color, shape and movement, they only respond (react) to light. Try sitting in a dark room before looking at your pupils in a mirror - notice the way your pupils react to changing levels of light
Author:  Sheri Smith

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