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Greenhouse Effect
What do trees have to do with the greenhouse effect?

Greenhouse Effect

This Geography quiz is called 'Greenhouse Effect' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at high school. Playing educational quizzes is a user-friendly way to learn if you are in the 9th or 10th grade - aged 14 to 16.

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When studying physical geography in high school, you will look at climate and climate change. Climate change is the result of natural and human factors, and has a range of effects. Since the late twentieth century, much of the talk of climate change has been about the greenhouse effect and global warming.

1 .
Which of the following statements is not true?
The greenhouse effect and global warming are the same thing
The greenhouse effect is essential for life to exist on Earth
Methane is a greenhouse gas
Global warming has both natural and human causes
The greenhouse effect and global warming are linked but are far from being the same. The greenhouse effect is just a part of global warming
2 .
At the present time, scientists have discovered that the concentration of carbon dioxide in the air is ...
gradually increasing
gradually decreasing
staying the same
rapidly increasing
Since the middle of the twentieth century, scientists have measured a gradual increase in carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere
3 .
The greenhouse effect causes ...
climate change
an increase in the average temperature at the surface of the Earth
both of the above
neither of the above
The increase in average temperature is referred to as global warming
4 .
What is believed to be the main human influence on the greenhouse effect?
Making buildings from sustainable wood
The increasing need for energy
Burning fossil fuels to supply our energy needs
Turning down the heating in homes
You may have been tempted by the second option, however, it is the burning of fossil fuels that puts more and more carbon dioxide into the air, adding to the greenhouse gasses already there
5 .
Why does the greenhouse effect cause climate change?
It causes the atmosphere to expand
It creates more air pollution in cities
It causes a lot of holes to appear in the ozone layer
There is more energy in the atmosphere
Climate is driven by the amount of energy in the atmosphere. On no account should you ever associate the holes in the ozone layer with the greenhouse effect (or climate change or global warming). They are separate and very different issues. This confusion is caused because the CFCs that cause the ozone layer problem are also very powerful greenhouse gasses
6 .
Which of the following is not a result of the greenhouse effect causing global warming?
Rising sea levels
Increased levels of acid rain
Increased occurrences of hurricanes
More droughts and flooding
Acid rain is caused by acidic gasses like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides getting into the air. A lot of students associate this with the greenhouse effect because both problems are partly caused by humans burning fossil fuels
7 .
The countries that emit the greatest percentages of greenhouse gasses into the air are ...
MEDCs and NEEs
Southern hemisphere countries
MEDCs have well-developed manufacturing industries which use a lot of energy derived from fossil fuels and there is usually a greater use of motorized transport per head of population than in LEDCs. NEEs (newly emerging economies) are building their manufacturing bases and cannot yet afford (or are unwilling to invest in) the technology to limit their increasing carbon footprint
8 .
Which of the following is a practical way to reduce human impact on the greenhouse effect?
Convert atmospheric carbon dioxide to carbon and oxygen
Extract the greenhouse gasses from the air and shoot them into space on rockets
Carbon capture
Dioxide capture
Carbon capture is achieved by planting trees. They use photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide and water into glucose and oxygen
9 .
Why is the greenhouse effect sometimes called the enhanced greenhouse effect?
The greenhouse effect is a natural occurrence, human activity is adding to it
The greenhouse effect is continually increasing
The greenhouse effect is naturally decreasing
More greenhouse gasses are being added to the atmosphere whenever a comet passes close to the Earth
Enhanced means 'added to'. Human activity is thought by many people to add to the naturally occuring greenhouse effect
10 .
As well as burning fossil fuels, which one of the following is considered to be increasing the greenhouse effect?
Green belt
In tropical rainforests, deforestation is occuring at an alarmingly fast rate. The trees and plants in rainforests grow all year round and constantly remove carbon dioxide from the air. When they are cleared for agriculture, much less carbon dioxide is removed from the air
Author:  Kev Woodward

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