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Geography: High School: 9th and 10th Grade Quizzes

Quizzes make learning fun! There is no quicker way to learn about Geography in High School - Grades 9 and 10

Geography is not just about admiring landscapes and knowing the names of oceans (although they are part of it).

Geography encompasses all sorts of things. From farming to drought, extinction to flooding, rainforests, deserts and carbon footprints.

There’s a lot to learn, but don’t worry – help is at hand.

Education Quizzes gathered together all the important bits of geography and placed them in a big backpack (after removing the moldy cheeseburger we found at the bottom along with a few crumbled oreos – yuck). We then threw the backpack in an avalanche before leaving it in our greenhouse to dry out. Then we peeped inside and out came fun-to-play quizzes just for you.

Each quiz starts with an informative introduction. Our questions have helpful comments once you’ve played them in order to help you review what you’ve been studying in class. By the time you’ve played all the quizzes (and got top marks), you’ll be a Geography Genius!

Let’s find out what some famous (and not-so-famous) folks have said about geography.

  • Everywhere’s been where it is ever since it was first put there. It’s called geography. Terry Pratchett
  • I was a daydreamer, and there is a lot of history and science and geography I missed out on because I was in my head. And I regret that. Gillian Anderson
  • Anybody who believes that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach flunked geography. Robert Byrne
  • Geography is just physics slowed down, with a couple of trees stuck in it. Terry Pratchett
  • Geography is an earthly subject, but a heavenly science. Edmund Burke
  • There is an eternal landscape, a geography of the soul; we search for its outlines all our lives. Josephine Hart

It’s time to get our walking boots on and explore the world at large.

Quiz Title Options
Atlases, Ordnance Survey Atlases, Ordnance Survey Play
Avalanches Avalanches Play
Carbon Footprint Carbon Footprint Play
Changes in Rural Areas - LEDCs Changes in Rural Areas - LEDCs Play
Changes in Rural Areas - MEDCs Changes in Rural Areas - MEDCs Play
Characterisation of Rural Areas Characterisation of Rural Areas Play
Classifying Rocks and the Rock Cycle Classifying Rocks and the Rock Cycle Play
Coastal Deposition Coastal Deposition Play
Coastal Erosion Coastal Erosion Play
Coastal Management Coastal Management Play
Consequences of Climate Change Consequences of Climate Change Play
Deforestation Deforestation Play
Desertification Desertification Play
Drought Drought Play
Earthquakes Earthquakes Play
Economically Advanced Economies Economically Advanced Economies Play
Emerging Economies Emerging Economies Play
Energy Generation Energy Generation Play
Erosion Erosion Play
Evidence for Climate Change Evidence for Climate Change Play
Extinctions Extinctions Play
Farms and Farming Farms and Farming Play
Flooding Flooding Play
Flooding and Management Flooding and Management Play
Geographical Information Systems Geographical Information Systems Play
Geological Time Geological Time Play
Glacial Deposition Landscapes Glacial Deposition Landscapes Play
Glacial Erosion Landforms Glacial Erosion Landforms Play
Glaciation Glaciation Play
Globalisation Globalisation Play
Green Belt Green Belt Play
Greenhouse Effect Greenhouse Effect Play
Human Uses of the Rainforest Human Uses of the Rainforest Play
Humans and the Desert Humans and the Desert Play
Hurricanes Hurricanes Play
Hydroelectric Power Hydroelectric Power Play
Intensive Farming and the Environment Intensive Farming and the Environment Play
International Aid International Aid Play
Maps Maps Play

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