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Erasers are useful tools when drawing.


This Arts and Crafts quiz is called 'Drawing' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Middle school children should, by now, be becoming more proficient in their control of media. Their drawing ability, both from observation and imagination, should draw on skills they have attained in previous years.

Drawing is one of the major forms of expression within the visual arts. Drawing usually involves the making of marks on a two-dimensional surface. These marks are usually made with pencil or ink, but may be made with a variety of other media, including charcoal, chalks, crayons or pastels.

There are several categories of drawing, including figure drawing, cartooning, doodling and shading. There are also many drawing methods, such as line drawing, stippling, shading and tracing.

Drawing may be observational, with an emphasis on a realistic depiction of the subject matter, or may be more exploratory and imaginative. Good composition is usually important in a drawing and several drawings, called studies, may be made in preparation for a painting or other project.

A successful drawing combines many elements: composition, observation, control of media, experimentation, tone and shading, and perspective. A knowledge of these elements will help you in becoming proficient in drawing.

Many fields outside of art, such as science or technology, also produce drawings. These may be referred to as what?
Technical drawings
Line drawings
Telling drawings
Confident drawings
Plans of buildings, machinery, circuitry and other things are often called "drawings" even when they have been transferred to another medium by printing
Which of the following is not a pencil grade?
H is the beginning of the 'hard' scale, there is no 1H
What is the name for a quick, unrefined drawing?
A skit
A scratch
A screech
A sketch
An artist may make many sketches to work out finer details for a project
What are hatching and cross-hatching?
Ways of drawing onto wood
Religious diagrams
Drawings of baby chicks
Groups of parallel lines in differing directions
Pen and ink drawings often use hatching. Cross-hatching uses hatching in two or more different directions to create a darker tone
Why is an eraser useful to an artist when drawing?
To save using more than one piece of paper
To correct mistakes and create lighter areas
To look professional
To keep pencils straight
Erasers can remove unwanted lines, lighten tones, and clean up stray marks. Some erasers are very soft and are useful for cleaning up an image
Why is shading important in a drawing?
To bring realism to the drawing
To keep the drawing out of the sun
To add an element of fun
To use new techniques
Careful shading produces an impression of reflected light, shadows and highlights and can result in a very realistic image
Which of the following is not a dry drawing medium?
Markers are wet drawing media. So are pens and inks
Why might an artist use masking fluid in a drawing?
To hide the finished drawing from rivals
To make a work look more mysterious
To add extra details
To keep one area of the drawing clean
Sometimes the artist leaves a section of the image untouched while filling in the remainder. The shape of the area to preserve can be painted with masking fluid, protecting it until the artist has finished
30,000 year old cave drawings done by early man depict simple objects and concepts. What are they known as?
Early drawings were used to communicate before written language existed. The drawings gradually became more sophisticated. leading to the development of written language
Before paper was widely available, what other medium may have been used for drawing?
12th century monks in European monasteries used intricate drawings to prepare illustrated, illuminated manuscripts on parchment
Author:  Angela Smith

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