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Alphabetical Sorting 1
In an alphabetical sort 'butter' comes before 'butterfly'.

Alphabetical Sorting 1

This English Language quiz is called 'Alphabetical Sorting 1' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Alphabetical sorting is to order words according to the alphabet. To put words into alphabetical order, start with the first letter of each word nearest the letter 'a'. If two words start with the same letter, look at the second letter of each and so on.

Try our first quiz on Alphabetical Sorting.

1 .
Which of the following lists is in alphabetical order?
Boxing, boxed, box
Mat, mate, material
Never, near, nevertheless
Talking, talk, talked
Look at the third, then fourth, then fifth letters here
2 .
Which of the following lists is in alphabetical order?
Add, added, additional
Decide, deduce, decipher
Mean, might, map
Product, people, place
Fourth letter of 'added'/'additional' decides the order
3 .
Which of the following lists is in alphabetical order?
Anger, angered, angry
Maintain, maintaining, maintained
Pencil, pen, penned
Using, used, user
Fourth letter of 'anger'/'angered' decides the order
4 .
Which of the following lists is not in alphabetical order?
Rule, ruler, rules
Slip, slipped, slipping
Snap, snapped, snapping
Voiced, voice, voices
'Voice'/'voiced'/'voices' are in alphabetical order
5 .
Which of the following lists is not in alphabetical order?
Differ, different, differentiate
Eat, eaten, eats
Stop, stopped, stopping
Understood, understand, understanding
The eighth letter of each word decides the order here!
6 .
Which of the following lists is not in alphabetical order?
Ice, iced, icy
Latitude, latter, letter
Spice, spiced, spicy
Veto, vet, vetted
'Vet'/'veto'/'vetted' are now in alphabetical order
7 .
Which of the following lists is in alphabetical order?
Advanced, advancement, advance
Commonly, common, commoner
Jig, jiggled, jiggle
Jog, jogged, jogging
Fifth letter of 'jogged'/'jogging' decides the order
8 .
Which of the following lists is not in alphabetical order?
Full, follow, flash
Leave, lesson, letter
Person, predict, preview
Separate, single, strong
Alphabetical order: 'flash'/'follow'/'full'
9 .
Which of the following lists is in alphabetical order?
Capitals, commas, colons
End, exclamation, exit
Persuade, punctuate, pretend
Speech, semi-colon, subordinate
Third letter of 'exclamation'/'exit' decides the order
10 .
Which of the following lists is not in alphabetical order?
Essence, essential, essentially
Head, header, headline
Point, pointed, pointer
Quotation, quota, quote
'Quota'/'quotation'/'quote' are alphabetically ordered
Author:  Sue Daish

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