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Clothing Idioms
He was given the boot when he showed up for work.

Clothing Idioms

This English Language quiz is called 'Clothing Idioms' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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In middle school, many of your English lessons will be a review of what you have learned throughout grammar school. This is because language, any language, is a living and growing subject. Although the basic rules stay the same, new vocabulary words are always being added to it or older words find new meanings.

1 .
My grandfather would give the shirt off of his back to help anyone.
as little as possible
his clothes
If someone is said to “give the shirt off of their back”, it means that they would give generously, even down to everything they own. Answer (a) is correct
2 .
It’s amazing the meals she can make on a shoestring!
on a shoe rack
on poor quality plates
on one income
on a tight budget
Whenever the phrase “on a shoestring” is used, it means to be on a very tight budget. Answer (d) is correct
3 .
He was hot under the collar after talking to the traffic cop.
really angry
When someone is referred to as being “hot under the collar” it means that they are really angry. Answer (a) is correct
4 .
He charmed the pants off the entire audience.
took the pants off
was critical of
happily persuaded
helped remove the pants off
To charm the pants off of someone means to happily persuade someone. Answer (c) is correct
5 .
Alan’s mother inspected his bedroom with a fine-toothed comb.
tiny comb
great deal of care and attention
fierce look
slight glance
The use of the phrase “fine-toothed comb” means to give a great deal of care and attention to the matter at hand. Answer (b) is correct
6 .
My little brother always seems to have ants in his pants.
ants biting him
a restless nature
stolen objects
dirty underwear
This is rather a funny way of saying someone is very restless. Answer (b) is correct
7 .
Some new students need to be handled with kid gloves.
with force
with soft hands
with extra care
with laughter
To be handled with “kid gloves” means to be handled with extra care. Answer (c) is correct
8 .
He was given the boot when he showed up for work.
given a raise
given praise
given a lecture
When someone is given the boot it means that they were kicked out or fired. Answer (d) is correct
9 .
Clearly the umpire is lining his pockets with that call.
sewing up his pockets
telling a lie
making a dishonest profit
evening up the game
The expression of “lining one’s pockets,” means to make a dishonest profit. Answer (c) is correct
10 .
She came completely decked out to the prom!
dressed fancy
dressed messy
When someone or something is “decked out” it means that they have gone all out or are dressed fancy. Answer (a) is correct
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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