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Non-Verbal Reasoning - Odd One Out 5
Can you find the odd ones out in this quiz?

Non-Verbal Reasoning - Odd One Out 5

This English Language quiz is called 'Non-Verbal Reasoning - Odd One Out 5' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Being the odd one out can make you a stranger at times.

Each of the questions has four shapes in a row. They all have something in common, except one. You must find the odd one out.

Choose the shape that you think does not go with the other three and select A, B, C or D as your answer. The reason why a shape is the odd one out might be to do with its position, reflection, rotation, shading or the number of shapes it is made of. The trick to these quizzes is to eliminate choices by finding more than one box which shares a feature with all the others. An example question has been done for you.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the famous 19th Century poet and writer, urged us to be ambitious and to work hard. "Without ambition one starts nothing. Without work one finishes nothing. The prize will not be sent to you. You have to win it." If you follow this excellent advice you will try your hardest, and work your hardest, until you finish the Odd One Out quiz number 5.

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Author:  Stephen O'Hara

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