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Poetry (Part 1)

We got us a cowboy dude.

Poetry (Part 1)

This English Language quiz is called 'Poetry (Part 1)' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Poetry is a fundamental part of reading and writing. It opens the mind to learning to think and analyze cultures and behaviors. Although there are several forms of poetry, this quiz looks at the more basic forms. These basic forms include the following:

For each piece of poetry written below, see if you can determine which basic type of poetry it is from the answers provided.
1 .
You Lift Me Up
You lift me up when I am down
Change my world in every way.
Hold my hand and touch my face
Give me hope on this beautiful day.

You give me strength to carry on
showing your love to me alone.
You are the truth, you are the voice.
You make me feel that I’m the one.
(by Betty Bateson)
Free Verse
This piece of poetry is not telling a story. It does appear that the writer is trying to express his/her feelings through creating imagery. When poetry is done in this fashion it is a form of lyric poetry. Answer (d) is the correct style of poetry shown here.
2 .
Spring is in the air.
Flowers are blooming sky high.
Children are laughing.
(by Kaitlyn Guenther)
A piece of poetry that consists of only three lines and seventeen syllables where the first line has exactly five syllables, the second line has seven syllables and the third and last line also has five syllables is known as a Haiku. Answer (b) is the correct style of poetry shown here.
3 .
What men or gods are these? What maidens loth?
What mad pursuit? What struggle to escape?
What pipes and timbrels? What wild ecstasy?
(excerpt from “Ode On a Grecian Urn” by John Keats)
Free Verse
This piece of poetry is not telling a story. It does appear that the writer is trying to express his/her feelings through creating imagery. When poetry is done in this fashion it is a form of lyric poetry. Answer (a) is the correct style of poetry shown here.
4 .
Once upon a time there never was an Ego
For it was alive by the breath of wishes of those who were suffocating from it.
I carried the cross of being egoist
Had my hands nailed, had myself hailed
Confident rain was self-absorbed
Self-esteem felt the pain
Self-assertive had risen and reign
To conquer and succeed I was self-assured
That I too was not self-conscious
I never was an empty vessel ‘cause I was self-contained
I couldn’t handle to be self-effacing
Greatness was self-evident
People stand with me for being self-opinionated
For they cannot fall for self-pity
In the frame of success I see a self-portrait
Less of the devil for I was self-possessed
I had plans to be wealthy but not selfish
For my soul is sold to me.
(by Vuyolethu Sithatu)
Free Verse
This piece of poetry appears to be giving us a lengthy and detailed accounting of the character’s adventures. When we get this kind of lengthy detail we are dealing with an epic. Answer (b) is the correct style of poetry displayed in this piece.
5 .
What Cowboys Do
On that ranch in the west.
We got us a cowboy dude.
On that ranch in the west.
We do what cowboys do.

Six gun by his hand.
He’s carrying a shotgun too.
On that ranch in the west.
We got us a cowboy dude.

Gotta rope at his side.
Gonna ride and rope today.
Gotta rope at his side.
Gonna bring them cattle this way…
(by Kim Robin Edwards)
When a piece of poetry tells a story more through music with four to six line stanza and then a refrain (chorus) and where parts are repeated several times, it is known as a ballad. Answer (b) is the correct style of poetry shown here.
6 .
Betty Botter bought some butter, but, she said, the butter’s bitter… (by Mother Goose)
Free Verse
When reading this piece of poetry we can quickly see that it repeats the first consonant in a series. When a piece of poetry repeats the first consonant in a series it is an alliteration piece of poetry. Answer (c) is the correct style of poetry provided here.
7 .
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
To be successful in this life of ours
We must be prepared to be in it for the long haul.
Grab the brass ring and hang on for dear life.
It’s surely not for the weak of heart.
It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude
To make it through, to be content, to be happy.
A total commitment that no matter what obstacles are in our way,
Our approach allows us to circumnavigate them
And enjoy life to the fullest. (by Jack Ellison)
Free Verse
As you read through this excerpt of a piece of poetry you can see that it is telling a story about what it means to be successful in life and what you must do to be successful such as hang on, be content, be happy and to have total commitment as you navigate through life. When telling a story, the poetry is a type of narrative. Therefore, Answer (a) is the correct style of poetry given here.
8 .
A Letter to the Debtor
To those I’ve hurt and all I’ve wronged,
I never before accepted where I belonged.
I could apologize but I’m not sure that even matters now.
Maybe those who hear this will realize that I’m truly sincere
and will find it in their heart to forgive me somehow. (by Princess Poetry)
As you read through this excerpt of a piece of poetry you can see that it is telling a story about those who have been hurt or wronged by the writer. The writer then goes on to apologize with a hope that his apology will be received. When telling a story, the poetry is a type of narrative. Therefore, Answer (b) is the correct style of poetry given here.
9 .
Ready, Set… Glow!
Like a Diamond Ring
Polished to a Sparkle
Showcased to be Seen…
(by MoonBee Canady)
Free Verse
Poetry that is written in an irregular pattern rather than a regular, rhythmical pattern is known as free verse poetry. Answer (d) is the correct style of poetry shown here.
10 .
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck
if a woodchuck would chuck wood?
When reading this piece of poetry we can quickly see that it repeats the first consonant in a series. When a piece of poetry repeats the first consonant in a series it is an alliteration piece of poetry. Answer (c) is the correct style of poetry provided here.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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