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Vocabulary - Words (Part 1)

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Vocabulary - Words (Part 1)

This English Language quiz is called 'Vocabulary - Words (Part 1)' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Vocabulary is the sum of words used by, understood by or at the command of a person or group of people. Since the day you were born you have been learning a language. You start to learn it by hearing it and then making a connection between the sounds the “big” people are making and the objects and senses that go with those sounds.

We all start out with one word but sometime between a year and 2 years of age, we start to put two words together such as “more milk.”

At around 2½ to 4 years of age simple sentences are now in play, i.e., “I want some more,” or “Joey hit me.”

It is also around this time that you start to be taught your A, B, C’s through song, although you have no clue what it really means. For now, it’s just a fun song you can repeat. However, what is now happening at a rapid pace is that you are growing your understanding of language and of vocabulary.

In the first grade you learned simple two letter and three letter words. By the second grade that expanded to four letters and some five letters. Adding words to your vocabulary has been growing for years and now that you are in middle school, you have acquired quite a large repertoire of vocabulary words. You have learned these words both in terms of spelling them correctly and then in understanding their definition and meaning.

Is the word “repertoire” new to you? It means “all the things [words, etc.] that people have collected or acquired.”

Choose the correct vocabulary word that will best fit into the blank space.

Janice’s solution was so on the spot that I had to ______ with her suggestion.
By reading this sentence and then substituting each of the four words provided, you need to determine which word fits best given the context of the entire sentence. Answers (a) “disagree,” (c) “dismiss” and (d) “help” do not fit the context. Answer (b) “concur” does make a good fit. Concur means to “agree.” Answer (b) is correct.
Choose the correct vocabulary word that will best fit into the blank space.

The settlers paid ______ to the pioneers who paved the way before them.
By reading this sentence and then substituting each of the four words provided, you need to determine which word fits best given the context of the entire sentence. Answers (a) “attention,” (b) “incense” and (d) “cash” do not fit the context. Answer (c) “homage,” on the other hand, does make a good fit. Homage means “to publically show respect for.” Answer (c) is correct.
Choose the correct vocabulary word that will best fit into the blank space.

The color of the grass was ________ from how it should look.
By reading this sentence and then substituting each of the four words provided, you need to determine which word fits best given the context of the entire sentence. Answers (a) “interesting” and (d) “absent” really do not fit the context. Answer (c) “similar” does not read properly, i.e., “similar from.” If it read “similar to” it would be a different thing. Answer (b) “abnormal” appears to be a good fit. Abnormal also means “unusual.” Answer (b) is correct.
Choose the correct vocabulary word that will best fit into the blank space.

His approach to solving the math problem was not very _______.
By reading this sentence and then substituting each of the four words provided, you need to determine which word fits best given the context of the entire sentence. Answers (b) “virtual,” (c) “whimsical” and (d) “soluble” do not fit the context. Answer (a) “orthodox” does make a good fit. Orthodox also means “traditional.” Answer (a) is correct.
Choose the correct vocabulary word that will best fit into the blank space.

His slip of the tongue was so ________ he will never live it down.
By reading this sentence and then substituting each of the four words provided, you need to determine which word fits best given the context of the entire sentence. Answers (a) “immediate,” (b) “worshipful” and (c) “realistic” do not fit the context. Answer (d) “blatant,” on the other hand, does make a good fit. Blatant means “obvious.” Answer (d) is correct.
Choose the correct vocabulary word that will best fit into the blank space.

My grandmother has been very _________ since losing my grandpa.
By reading this sentence and then substituting each of the four words provided, you need to determine which word fits best given the context of the entire sentence. Answers (a) “busy,” (c) “quarrelsome” and (d) “hypocritical” do not fit the context. However, Answer (b) “despondent” does make a good fit. Despondent means “gloomy and discouraged.” Answer (b) is correct.
Choose the correct vocabulary word that will best fit into the blank space.

I really do not believe he understands the ________ of his error.
By reading this sentence and then substituting each of the four words provided, you need to determine which word fits best given the context of the entire sentence. Answers (b) “reach,” (c) “quickness” and (d) “abyss” do not fit the context. Answer (a) “magnitude” does make a good fit. Magnitude means to “great significance.” Answer (a) is correct.
Choose the correct vocabulary word that will best fit into the blank space.

He stood ______ at the end of the diving board as he waited for the whistle.
By reading this sentence and then substituting each of the four words provided, you need to determine which word fits best given the context of the entire sentence. Answers (a) “fearful,” (b) “tiptoe” and (c) “joyfully” do not fit the context. Answer (d) “poised,” on the other hand, does make a good fit. Poised means “composed” and “ready in steadiness.” Answer (d) is correct.
Choose the correct vocabulary word that will best fit into the blank space.

William came back with a good ______ after Frank’s practical joke.
By reading this sentence and then substituting each of the four words provided, you need to determine which word fits best given the context of the entire sentence. Answers (a) “jousting,” (b) “philosophy” and (c) “skateboard” do not fit the context. However, Answer (d) “retort” does make a good fit. Retort means to give a “quick, witty or cunning reply.” Answer (d) is correct.
Choose the correct vocabulary word that will best fit into the blank space.

The bully thought he could ________ the freshmen out of their lunch money.
By reading this sentence and then substituting each of the four words provided, you need to determine which word fits best given the context of the entire sentence. Answers (a) “joke,” (b) “pursue” and (d) “enlist” do not fit the context. Answer (c) “intimidate,” on the other hand, does make a good fit. Intimidate means “to fill with fear.” Answer (c) is correct.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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