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Integers - Greater Than, Lesser Than or Equal To

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Integers - Greater Than, Lesser Than or Equal To

This Math quiz is called 'Integers - Greater Than, Lesser Than or Equal To' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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This quiz about integers looks at the signs used to represent greater than, lesser than and equal to.

Integers are whole numbers. This means any number that is not a decimal or a fraction. For example: the number “10” is an integer but the number “3/4” is not because it is a fraction, nor is “.75” because it is a decimal.

There are two kinds of integers - positive and negative. A positive number is any number with a value of 0 and up. A negative number is a number with a value of less than “0.”

Integers when compared to each other are also known as being either “greater than”, “less than” or “equal to.” We already know how to show how an integer is equal to by using the “=” symbol. To show that an integer is greater than we use a symbol also referred to as a carrot that is lying on its side with the point facing to the right “>” and when we want to show lesser than we use the same carrot only the point faces to the left “<”. Let’s look at the following examples:

50 = 50 (50 is equal to 50)
27 > 16 (27 is greater than 16)
15 < 25 (15 is less than 25)

For each set of positive integers given below, determine which symbol to use to show if the first integer is greater than, less than or equal to.
97 __ 97
None of the above
The integer 97 is equal to the integer 97 so the symbol to use is “=”. Answer (c) is the correct answer
3,496 __ 3,496
None of the above
The integer 3,496 is equal to the integer 3,496 so the symbol to use is “=”. Answer (c) is the correct answer
3,468 ____ 3,917
None of the above
The integer 3,468 is less than the integer 3,917 so the symbol to use is “<”. Answer (b) is the correct answer
2,774 ___ 2,775
None of the above
The integer 2,774 is less than the integer 2,775 so the symbol to use is “<”. Answer (b) is the correct answer
103 __ 103
None of the above
The integer 103 is equal to the integer 103 so the symbol to use is “=”. Answer (c) is the correct answer
677 __ 667
None of the above
The integer 677 is greater than the integer 667 so the symbol to use is “>”. Answer (a) is the correct answer
73 __ 81
None of the above
The integer 73 is less than the integer 81 so the symbol to use is “<”. Answer (b) is the correct answer
515 __ 511
None of the above
The integer 515 is greater than the integer 511 so the symbol to use is “>”. Answer (a) is the correct answer
432 __ 379
None of the above
The integer 432 is greater than the integer 379 so the symbol to use is “>”. Answer (a) is the correct answer
1,294,378 ___ 1,293,145
None of the above
The integer 1,294,378 is greater than the integer 1,293,145 so the symbol to use is “>”. Answer (a) is the correct answer
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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