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Interpret Graphs

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Interpret Graphs

This Math quiz is called 'Interpret Graphs' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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What is a graph? A graph is a diagram that shows the values of objects by using lines, bars and slices. There are a number of different kinds of graphs that can be created, including charts, pies (or circles), flow charts and geographical charts.

1 .
For their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, John and Abby Carter will travel to four countries. They want to go to the countries that have lots of castles, great museums, lots of mountains and where English is widely spoken. They are looking at Canada, New Zealand, England, Australia, Ireland, Switzerland and Spain. Which type of graph would best show the statistics that are being sought so they can find the four countries to travel to?
Using pictures, diagrams or subjects with connecting arrowed lines to show flow will not present this kind of information so Answer (c) Flow is not correct. There are no percentages being given either so Answer (b) Pie is not the correct answer either. A chart could be used but to see the information given, we are looking at geographical information so a geographical chart would be the best kind of graph here. Answer (a) Geographical is the correct answer
2 .
At the reading of my father’s Will, he left his 600 acre farm to five people. My brother, Alan, and I each got 25% of the farm. My uncle got 10%. My aunt got 12% and my mother got 28%. Which type of graph would best show the percentage that each person got of the farm?
As there is no geographical information given, Answer (a) is not correct. There is also no flow of information so Answer (b) would also not be correct. Although Answer (d) Chart could be used it would not show the best representation of percentages. Answer (c) Pie, however, would work well as it easily demonstrates percentages. Answer (c) is the correct answer
3 .
On a recent trip to the zoo we saw lions, tigers, bears, giraffes and gorillas. Our tour guide told us how much food each animal eats every day. The lions and tigers ate six pounds of food. The bears ate eight pounds. The giraffes age eleven pounds and the gorilla ate five pounds. Which type of graph would best illustrate the information given and show how much each animal ate?
No geographical information or percentages or given so both Answer (d) and (c) are not correct. There are also no pictures, shapes or subjects being linked through a flow line so Answer (b) is also not correct. However, we are given statistics that can be placed on a horizontal line and on a vertical line making a chart the perfect graph to demonstrate our subject here. Answer (a) is the correct answer
4 .
In cooking class we were each given six different ingredients to work with. We could either make cookies, a cake, a pie, brownies, fudge or candy. I chose to make brownies and of the six ingredients, I would need about 60% flour, 15% cocoa, 2% eggs, 2% baking powder, 4% margarine and 17% sugar. Which type of graph would best show the percentages of ingredients needed?
As there is no geographical information given, Answer (a) is not correct. There is also no flow of information so Answer (d) would also not be correct. Although Answer (b) Chart could be used it would not show the best representation of percentages. Answer (c) Pie, however, would work well as it easily demonstrates percentages. Answer (c) is the correct answer
5 .
On a recent trip to a potato chip factory, we got to see the entire process from beginning to end of the making of potato chips. First you start with the whole potato, then they go to a cooler. Once they reach the right temperature they go to a peeler, next they get sliced into very thin sections. The sections go onto a conveyor belt into a drying chamber. Next they go to a boiler where they are cooked. Next is a salter and finally they are weighed and dropped into potato chip bags. It was very fascinating to see the process! Which type of graph would best illustrate the information given and show the process of making potato chips?
There is no geographical information given nor are there any percentages so neither Answer (b) nor (c) would be correct. The information given describes a process but does not give numbers to chart so Answer (a) would also not be correct. Pictures, shapes or subjects can be shown in the form of a directional flow using lined arrows to show which step comes next in the process. A flow chart would definitely be the best type of graph to use so Answer (d) is correct
6 .
Candy wanted to learn about her mother’s side of the family. She knew her Mother was Emma and was born in June 1938. Her grandmother (her mother’s mother) was born in October of 1917 and her grandfather (her mother’s father) was born in January of 1914. Her great grandfather (her grandfather’s father) was born in August of 1887. What type of graph would best help Candy keep all of this information straight?
As the information given has no percentages we know a pie would not be the best graph nor is there any geographical information given so Answers (b) and (d) are both incorrect. Although this could be shown on a chart, it would not be the best way to display it. When trying to show a flow of a family line (tree), a flow chart is the best graph to use. Answer (a) is the correct answer
7 .
Barry and his brothers decided to take dancing lessons. They would learn how to waltz, rumba, two-step and foxtrot. Each brother would perfect one dance but learn the others as well. Barry, James, Peter and Ted set out for their first lessons. Which type of graph would best illustrate the information given and show who specialized in which dance?
No geographical information or percentages are given so both Answer (a) and (d) are not correct. There are also no pictures, shapes or subjects being linked through a flow line so Answer (c) is also not correct. However, we are given statistics that can be placed on a horizontal line and on a vertical line making a chart the perfect graph to demonstrate our subject here. Answer (b) is the correct answer
8 .
Have you ever taken a watch apart? If you do you will see lots of little parts. If each part is not in its correct position, the watch will not work. You start with a series of interlocking wheels with little spokes. The wheels are connected with little springs. A tiny piston turns the wheels using the spokes and the rotation of the wheels move at small intervals to keep the time. The piston, on a wind-up watch, is connected to a little knob that the wearer of the watch turns to move the piston which then moves the wheels into motion and the wheels stay in place because of the springs. Which type of graph would best illustrate the workings of a watch as described here?
There is no geographical information given nor are there any percentages so neither Answer (a) nor (c) would be correct. The information given describes a process but does not give numbers to chart so Answer (b) would also not be correct. Pictures, shapes or subjects can be shown in the form of a directional flow using lined arrows to show which step comes next in the process. A flow chart would definitely be the best type of graph to use so Answer (d) is correct
9 .
Six friends are having a sleepover. The friends are Betty, Bertha, Becky, Betsy, Beatrice and Bethany. Each girl falls to sleep at a different time with the first girl falling to sleep at 10:30 p.m. and the last girl falling to sleep at 2:15 a.m. Which type of graph would best illustrate the information given and show the falling to sleep time?
As there are no pictures, shapes or subjects that need to be connected by an arrowed line, a flow chart would not be the best type of graph here. Answer (a) is not correct. We also have no geographical information given so Answer (b) is also not correct. There are no percentages provided either so Answer (d) Pie would not be the graph to use. As we have a list of girls and a listing of times, a horizontal and vertical chart would show the best illustration. Answer (c) is the correct answer
10 .
After college I want to see where in the United States my career will be needed the most. I also want to know what the population is, the crime rates, the school districts, the climate and the potential growth rate. For now, I am looking at California, Texas, Florida and West Virginia. Which type of graph would best show the statistics that are being sought?
Using pictures, diagrams or subjects with connecting arrowed lines to show flow will not present this kind of information so Answer (a) Flow is not correct. There are no percentages being given either so Answer (d) Pie is not the correct answer either. A chart could be used but to see the information given, we are looking at geographical information so a geographical chart would be the best kind of graph here. Answer (b) Geographical is the correct answer
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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