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Music: Middle School: Grades 6, 7 and 8 Quizzes

Quizzes make learning fun! There is no quicker way to learn about Music in Middle School - Grades 6, 7 and 8

Wouldn’t it be a strange thing indeed if you met someone who had never heard music? Chances are they’d be living under a rock in the middle of the jungle.

For the rest of us ordinary folk, music is everywhere we go. Shops play tunes to make us buy stuff (oh yes they do). Aquariums play soothing music so the sharks are chilled and less likely to have tantrums (oh no they don’t).

Whatever music you are into ~ pop, rock, grunge, metal, jazz or classical ~ did you know listening to music is good for you? It’s true ~ our brains release dopamine (the ‘feel good’ hormone) when we are playing music. So next time your parents shout ‘TURN IT DOWN!’ tell them you’re stress-busting. Have you ever gotten chills from your favorite songs? Those chills are caused by the dopamine. Cool, huh?

Learning to play an instrument is great fun ~ especially if it’s something really loud and annoying such as the drums, trumpet or scratchy violin. However, as well as practice, you need to know about theory. You’ll be pleased to hear we’ve added the fun to theory. We’ve taken compositions, arrangements, dance music, hooks and riffs and then whisked them all up into enjoyable quizzes. You’ll also get to meet a few of the old maestros, such as Handel, Beethoven and Mozart (who incidentally was baptised Johannes Chrysostomus Wolfgangus Theophilus Mozart ~ get your tongue round that one!).

So, batons at the ready ~ let’s rock ‘n’ roll.

Quiz Title Options
Arrangement Arrangement Play
Composition (Basics) Composition (Basics) Play
Form and Structure Form and Structure Play
Fundamental Elements of Music Fundamental Elements of Music Play
George Frideric Handel George Frideric Handel Play
Hooks and Riffs Hooks and Riffs Play
Igor Stravinsky Igor Stravinsky Play
Ludwig van Beethoven Ludwig van Beethoven Play
Music for Dance Music for Dance Play
Revision 1 Revision 1 Play
Revision 2 Revision 2 Play
Symphony No. 5 (First Movement) Symphony No. 5 (First Movement) Play
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Play

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