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Chemistry - The Atom

Chemistry is chiefly concerned with atoms.

Chemistry - The Atom

This Science quiz is called 'Chemistry - The Atom' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties and change of matter. It is mainly concerned with atoms and their interactions with other atoms.

An atom is the very basic unit of all matter. It contains a dense central nucleus that is surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. It comes from the Greek word atomos which literally means something that is uncuttable or something that cannot be divided.

At the center of an atom, or its core, is a nucleus. The nucleus contains protons and neutrons.

A proton is a particle that carries a positive electrical charge.

An electron is a particle that carries a negative electrical charge. Electrons determine the chemical properties of an element.

A neutron is a subatomic hadron particle that has no electrical charge. Its mass is slightly larger than that of a proton. The nucleus of every atom contains at least one neutron, with hydrogen-1 being the only exception. Neutrons bind with protons to stabilize the nucleus of an atom.

Together, protons and neutrons are referred to as “nucleons”.

The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is known as the atomic number. As every element has a different number of protons, they own their own atomic number.

An atom is classified by the number of neutrons and protons it has in its nucleus. The number of protons determines the chemical element while the number of neutrons determines the isotope of the element.

An isotope is a variant contained in a particular chemical element. Isotopes have the same number of protons in each atom but the neutron numbers can vary.

An element is any substance that cannot be broken into two or more simpler substances. There are four common elements that include earth, air, water and fire.

A chemical element is a substance that consists of a single type of atom. Chemical elements are divided into metals, metalloids and non-metals. Examples include carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, silicon, aluminum, iron, gold, lead, mercury, copper and arsenic. The lightest chemical elements include helium, hydrogen, lithium and beryllium. Any two atoms that have the same number of protons in their respective nucleus belong to the same chemical element.

Any substance that cannot be broken into two or more simpler substances is known as _______.
an element
a subatomic hadron particle
a chemical element
an isotope
Any substance that cannot be broken into two or more simpler substances is known as an element. Answer (a) is correct
A substance that consists of a single type of atom is _________.
a chemical element
an element
a nuclei
an isotope
A chemical element is a substance that consists of a single type of atom. Answer (a) is correct
This is a particle that carries a negative electrical charge.
An electron is a particle that carries a negative electrical charge. Answer (b) is correct
This is a particle that carries a positive electrical charge.
A proton is a particle that carries a positive electrical charge. Answer (c) is correct
These have the same number of protons in each atom but the neutron numbers can vary.
Atomic numbers
Subatomic hadron particles
Isotopes have the same number of protons in each atom but the neutron numbers can vary. Answer (b) is correct
The Greek word atomos means ______.
atomic number
number of neutrons
negative and positive charges
uncuttable or something that cannot be divided
The Greek word atomos literally means something that is uncuttable or something that cannot be divided. Answer (d) is correct
The center or core of an atom is called ______.
an atomos
a neutron
a nucleus
a nucleon
The center or core of an atom is called the nucleus. Answer (c) is correct
The study of the composition, structure, properties and change of matter is known as _______.
Chemistry is the study of the composition, structure, properties and change of matter. Answer (d) is correct
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is known as the ________.
subatomic hadron particle
atomic number
neutron factor
The number of protons in the nucleus of an atom is known as the atomic number. Answer (b) is correct
This contains a dense central nucleus that is surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons.
An atom contains a dense central nucleus that is surrounded by a cloud of negatively charged electrons. Answer (d) is correct
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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