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If you were to go to the moon, how would you feel?


This Science quiz is called 'Gravity' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at middle school. Playing educational quizzes is a fabulous way to learn if you are in the 6th, 7th or 8th grade - aged 11 to 14.

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What is gravity? Gravity is one of four physical forces in nature that shape the universe. These forces include strong nuclear forces, weak nuclear forces and electromagnetic forces. The force of gravity has an infinite range. It is the pull of two bodies of matter that brings them closer together. As an example, there is a gravitational pull between two magnets or a magnet and a metal surface. You can also look at humans and animals. The earth has a gravitational pull that pulls everything to the ground. Without it, instead of walking, we would all be floating around.

The bigger the object is the stronger the gravitational pull will be. As the Earth is much bigger than any object on it, (including people and animals), each object is attracted to the Earth’s surface by its gravitational pull.

Gravitational pull is the amount of force that is exerted by larger objects over smaller objects. As Sir Isaac Newton described, gravitational pull is the force that is proportional to the mass of two different objects.

Sir Isaac Newton is believed to be the first scientist to really study and do experiments with gravity and motion.

As the moon is smaller than the Earth, it has a smaller gravitational pull because it has less mass and less weight. Because of this, if you were to go to the moon, you would easily bounce up and down as you tried to walk. You would feel rather weightless. Even with its lesser gravitational pull, the moon’s gravity directly affects the Earth’s tides. The closer the moon is to the Earth will result in higher ocean tides. As the moon moves away from the Earth, the gravitational pull weakens and the ocean tides lower. Finally, if there was no gravitational pull between the Earth and the moon you wouldn’t even see the moon because it would simply float away from its orbit.

Weight deals primarily with gravity. This is because the amount that an object weighs is directly based on the amount of gravitational force or the gravity that is pulling the object down. The stronger the pull of gravity is, the more the object will weigh. The weaker the pull of gravity is, the less the object will weigh.

This is the amount of force that is exerted by larger objects over smaller objects.
Strong nuclear force
Weak nuclear force
Gravitational pull
Electromagnetic force
Gravitational pull is the amount of force that is exerted by larger objects over smaller objects. Answer (c) is correct
This deals primarily with gravity.
Weight deals primarily with gravity. Answer (b) is correct
Why do your feet stay on the ground instead of floating?
Centrifugal force
Volume and mass
Your feet stay on the ground because of the Earth’s gravitational pull or, simply put, because of gravity. Answer (b) is correct
What can we see in the sky that is directly related to gravity?
If there wasn’t a gravitational pull between the Earth and the moon, we would not be able to see the moon. It would float away from its orbit. Answer (c) is correct
The closer the moon is to the Earth will result in what kind of ocean tides?
The closer the moon is to the Earth will result in higher ocean tides. Answer (d) is correct
Who was the first scientist to really study and experiment with gravity and motion?
Sir Isaac Newton
Alex Haley
Sir Isaac Newton is believed to be the first scientist to really study and experiment with gravity and motion. Answer (a) is correct
What is gravity?
It is the force that creates tidal waves
It is the relationship between the Earth and the moon
It is one of the four physical forces found in nature
It is the force that holds the Earth together
Gravity is one of four physical forces in nature that shape the universe. Answer (c) is correct
What would happen if the Earth did not have any gravity?
Life would cease to exist
All objects not anchored down on its surface would float
The moon would crash into the Earth
The lifespan of man and animals would drop sharply
If the Earth did not have any gravity, all objects not anchored down to the surface would float. Answer (b) is correct
If you were to go to the moon, how would you feel?
Because of the smaller gravitational pull of the moon, you would feel almost weightless. Answer (a) is correct
Why are people, animals and almost all objects attracted to the Earth?
It is where they were born or created so they have an attraction to remain in a place that is familiar to them
Because the moon has a smaller gravitational pull, people and animals would float away so they choose Earth instead
Because people and animals need oxygen, the Earth is the only source to get that oxygen to they are attracted to the Earth in order to find oxygen
Because the Earth is bigger than people, animals and objects on the Earth’s surface, they are attracted to the Earth through gravity
The bigger the object the more gravitational pull it will have. As the Earth is much bigger than people, animals and objects on its surface, each of these is attracted to the Earth. Answer (d) is correct
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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