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The Crucible - Context
Test your context skills in this enjoyable quiz.

The Crucible - Context

This Literature quiz is called 'The Crucible - Context' and it has been written by teachers to help you if you are studying the subject at senior high school. Playing educational quizzes is one of the most efficienct ways to learn if you are in the 11th or 12th grade - aged 16 to 18.

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This senior high school English Literature quiz takes a look at context in Arthur Miller's The Crucible. The context of a text refers to the environment in which it was written, including the author’s political and social environment in addition to the time and geographical location in which he or she was writing. If anything sounds familiar about this collection of influences, it might be because these are the same specific elements which we discuss when we talk about setting, too.

1 .
The Crucible was first performed in which year?
The Crucible is historical drama; it was written in the middle of the 20th century and concerns events from the late 17th century
2 .
Which one of the following is the term associated with the optimism prevalent in the United States in the mid-twentieth century?
The American Hope
The American Dream
The American Fantasy
American Realism
Miller believed that all American writing was powerfully affected, rather consciously or not, by the American Dream, the belief that opportunities were available to all Americans and that hard work and determination would always be rewarded with prosperity. For Miller, this optimism was at odds with what appeared to him to be a more realistic approach to life in the rest of the world
3 .
Which of the following is true, according to Miller's notes in the text?
Miller believed that the Salem witchcraft trials were based on utter fantasy
Miller believed that the people of Salem were all engaged in devil worship
Miller believed that Tituba and the girls had engaged in activities they understood to be sorceries
Miller believed that the people of Salem knew the stories about witchcraft to be fabricated
Miller writes: "If the whole truth could be known in this case, as it is in others, we should discover a regular and conventionalized propitiation of the dark spirit. One certain evidence of this is the confession of Tituba, the slave of Reverend Parris, and another is the behavior of the children who were known to have indulged in sorceries with her"
4 .
What information does Miller add to the end of the play, in the section entitled, "Echoes Down the Corridor"?
Elizabeth Proctor's subsequent marriage
Abigail's fate
The intervention of the state government in ensuring compensation for victims
All of the above
Miller highlights the intransigence of the Salem community, which had to be ordered to pardon those who had been excommunicated and the ongoing injustices which saw accusers being paid compensation
5 .
Why was Miller held in contempt of the U.S. Congress?
He gave a false confession to the House Un-American Activities Committee
He gave a list of false names of Communists to the House Un-American Activities Committee
He refused to give the names of suspected Communists present at meetings he had attended
He confessed to spying for the Soviet Union before retracting his confession
In 1957, Miller was called before the House Un-American Activities Committee and refused to give the names. His actions resemble those of his own earlier character, John Proctor, who will not implicate Rebecca Nurse in his own false confession
6 .
The form of government in seventeenth-century Massachusetts Bay Colony is known as which of the following?
Representative Democracy
Theocracy is rule by religious leaders in which law is derived directly from religious teachings. The law in Massachusetts Bay Colony was based on a literal view of the Bible and only Puritans were accounted as citizens
7 .
The actions of which of the following bodies is represented in the play by Reverend Hale's investigations as well as the trials conducted by Danforth, Hathorne and the other judges?
The United States Supreme Court
The House Un-American Activities Committee
The United States Senate
New York City Council
The House Un-American Activities Committee intimidated witnesses and demanded that those they investigated hand over the names of known Communists and sympathizers. The pressure placed on accused characters in The Crucible to implicate others by name parallels the practices of the House Un-American Activities Committee
8 .
What is meant by the term 'McCarthyism'?
A strict religion modeled on Puritanism
The fervent repudiation of Puritanism
A U.S. government investigation into black magic and those who practiced it
A relentless search for Communists and Communist sympathizers in the U.S. government
During the early 1950s, Senator John McCarthy conducted a campaign to root out Communists and Communist sympathizers from the United States government. 'McCarthyism' is now a byword for paranoia and witch hunts
9 .
In his notes to the play, Miller writes, "In the countries of the Communist ideology all resistance of any import is linked to the totally malign capitalist succubi, and in America any man who is not reactionary in his views is open to the charge of alliance with the Red hell." What does this mean?
On both sides of the Cold War, it is easy for anyone who does not fully support the prevailing ideology to be demonized
Communists and capitalists both equally believe in the reality of witches and the satanic
Communists and capitalists are completely different in their approach to enemies
Capitalists are succubi and Communists live in hell
Miller's play serves as a warning to all ideologues and those under their sway. Both sides say, in effect, "If you are not with us, you are against us"
10 .
Which of the following caused Miller's father to lose his business?
World War I
The Great Depression
World War II
The House Un-American Activities Committee
Miller was still in school at the time of the Wall Street Crash
Author:  Sheri Smith

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