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Reading Comprehension - Hansel and Gretel
How would you say 'wicked witch' if you were speaking Spanish?

Reading Comprehension - Hansel and Gretel

This Spanish Difficult Review quiz will test your reading comprehension of some fun tales. First up is Hansel and Gretel! To begin with, comprehension is composed of two parts. The first part is the means of determining just how well you are able to remember people, events, places, times and things within a given context. The second part is to see just how well you are able to communicate and/or relay to others your understanding of the those same types of items within the given context. In this case, we will be addressing your Spanish reading comprehension.

Being tested on your reading comprehension should not be new to you. You have been tested on it in nearly every class and subject in school. Of course, here, again, we want to see just how well your brain is comprehending Spanish.

Having to understand Spanish does make things a bit more of a challenge because Spanish is still very new to you. However, it is the challenges, like these quizzes, that help to make that process become easier over time. Therefore, in order to make this quiz a little easier, we are going to be working with a very familiar tale. That is the story of Hansel and Gretel. There will be other familiar stories to come in separate reading comprehension quizzes so this will also get you prepared for those.

Your first task before taking this quiz will be to read the story of Hansel and Gretel to refresh your memory. If you do not have the book, you can find the story on the internet. If you believe you can remember a good deal of the story, then you can proceed on to the quiz section. At this point, you have enough Spanish vocabulary words in your bank to be able to effectively take this quiz.

The quiz will work as follows: You will be asked ten things about the story of Hansel and Gretel (the questions will be in English) and then you will relay the answer in Spanish. Again, you will need to know the story. It’s really a short story but it is important that you have read it. You can, of course, challenge yourself to take the quiz first to see how well you do remember and, if you do not get a great score – go back and read the story and then come back and retake the quiz to see how well you do the next time. The challenge is really up to you! So if you are up to the challenge, then move on to the quiz and see just how much you can remember about the story of Hansel and Gretel!

Hansel and Gretel are ____.
esposo y esposa
Hansel and Gretel are brother and sister. To say brother and sister in Spanish you simply say hermanos.
Hansel and Gretel’s parents left them alone in the ____.
Hansel and Gretel’s parents left them alone in the forest. The Spanish word for forest is bosque.
Hansel went outside the house and found white pebbles that lay in front of the house that glittered like real ____.
piedras grises
rocas negras
planchas de oro
peniques de plata
After overhearing his parents’ plan, Hansel went outside and found white pebbles that lay in front of the house that glittered like real silver pennies. Silver pennies in Spanish is peniques de plata.
When they reached the middle of the forest the father told Hansel and Gretel to find some wood and ____.
hacer fuego
hacer la cama
comer pan
When they reached the middle of the forest the father told Hansel and Gretel to fine some wood and make a fire. As this was a command, the base form of the verb needs to be used. To make a fire in Spanish is hacer fuego.
What time of the day did Hansel and Gretel make it back home?
Hansel and Gretel walked all night and made their way home by following the white pebbles. It was early morning when they arrived. Morning in Spanish is mañana.
The second time that Hansel and Gretel’s stepmother took them out into the woods, what did Hansel drop on the ground?
The second time the children were brought out into the forest, Hansel did not have any pebbles so he dropped pieces of bread on the ground. The Spanish word for bread is pan.
What happened to the bread that Hansel had dropped along the way?
Los pájaros lo comieron.
El viento lo sopló.
La lluvia lo limpió.
Un hombre lo tomó.
Birds ate the bread crumbs that Hansel had dropped. In other words: The birds ate it. In Spanish this would read: Los pájaros lo comieron.
How many days did Hansel and Gretel wonder in the forest?
The children wondered in the forest for three days. Three in Spanish is tres.
Hansel and Gretel came upon a little house that was covered in ____.
Hansel and Gretel came upon a little house that was covered in cakes. Cakes in Spanish is tartas.
An old woman came out of the little house but she was really a ____.
corta chica
bonita princesa
señora gorda
mala bruja
The old woman who came out of the little house was really a wicked witch. Wicked witch in Spanish is mala bruja.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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