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Reading Comprehension: I Can Read Spanish!  (Quiz 3)
When you are reading Spanish, can you understand the meaning?

Reading Comprehension: I Can Read Spanish!  (Quiz 3)

This Spanish Difficult Review quiz is the third quiz in a series of five that will challenge you on your reading comprehension ability. Come on now, this can be fun! In fact, it will work very much the same as the Spanish Difficult Review quizzes titled Reading Comprehension: I Can Read Spanish! (Quiz 1) and Reading Comprehension: I Can Read Spanish! (Quiz 2). However, there will be one small twist here and that is that the quiz questions will also be in Spanish. If you have not taken Quiz 1 and Quiz 2 yet – please do so now as they will help you to take this quiz and the remaining two quizzes.

As was stated in the introductions of Quiz 1 and Quiz 2, this series of quizzes were created to help you to practice your thinking and comprehending abilities in Spanish. That combination is a MUST be able to do skill if you ever want to become fluent in your new language of Spanish. You can take your time with the quizzes but don’t take too long. Again, you are training your brain to think quickly in two different languages – so quickly that it is a smooth transition from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. It does take a lot of practice so if you are willing to do the practice you will be well on your way to becoming bilingual (speaking fluently in two different languages).

The challenge here is to read a couple of short paragraphs that are in Spanish. Once you have read the short paragraphs, move on to the quiz questions. These too will be in Spanish. You must then find the correct Answers but the Answers will be in English! Therefore, if you are up to the challenge – you can now begin the quiz!

Lo fue una vieja mansión blanca en la arriba de la colina más grande. Muchos gentes en la ciudad de abajo no hicieron ir cerca la casa. Algunas gentes fueron asustadas. Isabel, la hija del capitán de la policía, no estuvo asustado de la mansión. Ella supo que la mujer vieja que quedó allí no fue una bruja. Ella fue una hada.

Isabel comenzó a visitar la hada cuando ella tuvo siete años. Ese fue el día después de que su madre murió. Ella estuvo muy triste en esos días. La hada la ayudó a través de los años a medida que creció. Isabel fue feliz que las gentes dejaron la mansión sola, porque de esa manera ella guardó la hada a sí misma. Si la mujer vieja no fue una hada, Isabel nunca quiso saber.

¿Qué estuvo en la arriba de la colina más grande?
an old, white mansion
a cold, black mansion
a haunted mansion
a scary, white mansion
The question being asked is: What was on the top of the biggest hill? The paragraphs tell us that: Lo fue una vieja mansión blanca… This reads as: It was an old, white mansion…
¿Qué hicieron muchas personas en la ciudad?
they would not go inside the house
they kept clear of the house
they did not go near the house
they did not have a good feeling about the house
The question being asked is: What did many people in the town do? The paragraphs tell us that: Muchos gentes en la ciudad de abajo no hicieron ir cerca la casa. This reads as: Many people in the town below did not go near the house.
¿Isabel fue el capitán de la policía qué?
The question being asked is: Elizabeth was the police captain’s what? The paragraphs tell us that: Isabel, la hija del capitán de la policía… This reads as: Elizabeth, the daughter of the police captain… Elizabeth was his daughter.
¿Isabel supo que la mujer vieja no fue una qué?
The question being asked is: Elizabeth knew the old woman was not a what? The paragraphs tell us that: Ella supo que la mujer vieja que quedó allí no fue una bruja. This reads as: She knew that the old woman that stayed there was not a witch. She was not a witch.
¿Isabel creyó que la mujer vieja fue una qué?
her mother
her godmother
The question being asked is: Elizabeth believed that the old woman was a what? The paragraphs tell us that: Ella fue una hada. This reads as: She was a fairy.
Isabel comenzó a visitar la hada cuando ella tuvo ____.
seventeen years old
seven years old
six years old
sixteen years old
This sentence reads: Elizabeth began to visit the fairy when she was ____. The paragraphs tell us that: Isabel comenzó a visitar la hada cuando ella tuvo siete años. This reads as: Elizabeth began to visit the fairy when she was seven years old. She was seven years old.
Ese fue el día después de que su madre ____.
This sentence reads as: That was the day after her mother ____. The paragraphs tell us that: Ese fue el día después de que su madre murió. That reads as: That was the day after her mother died. Her mother had died.
¿Qué hizo la hada por Isabel?
helped her
scared her
taught her
believed in her
The question asks: What did the fairy do for Elizabeth? The paragraphs tell us that: La hada la ayudó… This reads as: The fairy helped her...
¿Por qué fue Isabel feliz que las gentes dejaron la mansión sola?
that way she could find quiet
that way she kept the fairy to herself
that way she and the fairy could be alone
that way she could be alone with the fairy
The question asks: Why was Elizabeth happy that the people left the mansion alone? The paragraphs tell us that: Isabel fue feliz que las gentes dejaron la mansión solo, porque de esa manera ella guardó la hada a sí misma. This reads as: Elizabeth was happy that the people left the mansion alone because that way she kept the fairy to herself.
Si la mujer vieja no fue una hada, Isabel nunca quiso ____.
to remember
to understand
to believe
to know
This sentence reads: If the old woman was not a fairy, Elizabeth never wanted ____. The paragraphs tell us that: Si la mujer vieja no fue una hada, Isabel nunca quiso saber. This reads as: If the old woman was not a fairy, Elizabeth never wanted to know. She did not want to know.
Author:  Christine G. Broome

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