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Sharing Throughout a School

We know teachers well enough to understand that their raison d'être is to make lives better for the children in their care and for that reason you might want to let others know about Education Quizzes. Here are a few ideas for you.

Sharing with Students

First and foremost, you can share details of the site with your students - just let them have the Universal Login that we send you when you register.

Sharing with Fellow Teachers

Please remember that it costs nothing for teachers to register with us and by doing so they are able to set their own self-marking homework using our quizzes.

Sharing with Parents

Details of the site can be sent out in the correspondence that your school sends to parents. A fascinating new resource that costs parents absolutely nothing is sure to spark their enthusiasm; particularly if you tell them that purchasing a subscription in their own right would cost them £9.99 per month.

Sharing with Your Tech Department

You could have a word with your tech department with a view to putting a general link to the Education Quizzes site ( or, better still, links to specific sections of the site.

For schools who publish online details of homework requirements, a link to relevant quizzes or sections is almost essential.

Simply click the button below to subscribe and you will be up and running within minutes.


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