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Solving Problems - Money 2 (Very Easy)

Welcome to the second quiz in our Very Easy section of Eleven Plus maths, dealing with Solving Problems which involve money. If you haven’t already played the first one, then go back and give it a try.

Even if you find maths boring, it’s important that you practice solving money problems. When you have to buy or sell, now and in your adult life, you don’t want to be short changed! You need to know exactly how much something will cost you and how much change you are owed – otherwise, your money won’t last very long at all!

Have a go at these questions to see how you fare. Keep playing until you can get all ten of them right first time. Once you’ve completed this quiz, move on to the next one. You’ll soon be a master of money problems!

Max bought 4 books, each one costing £4.95. He paid with a £20 note so, how much change did Max get?
20 pence
40 pence
First find out how much the 4 books cost by multiplying 4.95 by 4: 4.95 x 4 = 19.8
Next, subtract 19.8 from 20 to find out how much change Max is owed: 20 – 19.8 = 0.2
Remember that, when dealing with money, decimals should be given to 2 decimal places: 0.2 = £0.20 or 20 pence
Amy, Brian and Carl did a 10-mile sponsored walk and, together, they earned £9. If each of them earned the same amount of money, how much did each one earn per mile?
90 pence
30 pence
First, find out how much each child earned by dividing the total amount of money (£9) by the number of children (3): 9 ÷ 3 = 3
Next, find out how much each child earned per mile by dividing the amount earned (£3) by the number of miles (10): 3 ÷ 10 = 0.3
Remember that, when dealing with money, decimals should be given to 2 decimal places: 0.3 = £0.30 or 30 pence
Rebecca’s grandpa decided to reward her for her exam results. He gave her £5 for every A she got, £2.50 for every B and £1 for every C. Rebecca got 3 As, 5 Bs and 3 Cs. How much did her grandpa give her?
For this problem we must use multiplication and addition. First work out how much she got for each grade:
As = 3 x 5 = 15
Bs = 5 x 2.5 = 12.5
Cs = 3 x 1 = 3
Next we have to add these three amounts together: 15 + 12.5 + 3 = 30.5
Remember that, when dealing with money, decimals should be given to 2 decimal places: 30.5 = £30.50
Ivan had £21.18 in his money box but his sister, Emma, took two 20 pence pieces and three 50 pence pieces. How much is left in Ivan’s money box?
First, we need to work out how much money Emma has taken (convert pence into pounds):
20p = 0.2 x 2 = 0.4
50p = 0.5 x 3 = 1.5
Next we add these amounts: 0.4 + 1.5 = 1.9
Finally, we subtract the amount Emma took (1.9) from Ivan’s initial amount (21.18):
21.18 – 1.9 = 19.28
Andrew won £1,934 on the lottery. Gail also won but she got £1,246 less than Andrew. How much did Gail win?
A simple subtraction will solve this one: 1,934 – 1,246 = 688
Alice is going on short break. She's rented a hotel room for two nights at £64.57 per night, and has two tickets for a show, each one costing £49.99. How much money has Alice spent altogether?
To solve this problem, work out the cost of each item:
Hotel = 64.57 x 2 = 129.14
Show = 49.99 x 2 = 99.98
Next we add these together: 129.14 + 99.98 = 229.12. Alice’s break has cost her £229.12
Theo and Ella have been collecting 1 pence pieces. Theo’s coins are worth £7.84, and Ella’s are worth £5.73. How many coins have they collected altogether?
The question asks ho many coins they have, not how much they are worth.
First, convert £7.84 and £5.73 into pence by multiplying by 100:
7.84 x 100 = 784
573 x 100 = 573
Now it’s just a question of adding the two amounts together: 573 + 784 = 1,357
Barry the football manager is paid depending on how his team performs. He gets £1,000 for every goal they score but loses £300 for each goal they let in. How much is Barry paid if his team wins 3-2?
Multiply the number of goals scored by 1,000 and the number of goals conceded (let in) by 300:
Scored = 3 x 1,000 = 3,000
Conceded = 2 x 300 = 600
Now we just subtract the 600 from 3,000 to find out how much Barry will be paid:
3,000 – 600 = 2,400
Maurice treated himself to 8 chocolate bars at 40p each and 2 drinks at 80p each. How much change did Maurice get if he paid with a £10 note?
20 pence
First work out how much money Maurice has spent:
Chocolate = 0.4 x 8 = 3.2
Drinks = 0.8 x 2 = 1.6
Now we add these two amounts together: 3.2 + 1.6 = 4.8
Finally, we subtract the amount Maurice has spent from the £10 he paid with:
10 – 4.8 = 5.2
Remember that, when dealing with money, decimals should be given to 2 decimal places: 5.2 = £5.20
How many 2 pence coins are there in £352?
There are 50 2p coins in £1 because 100 ÷ 2 = 50
To work out how many 2p coins there are in £352 we multiply 352 by 50: 352 x 50 = 17,600
Author:  Frank Evans

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