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Our Special Friends - Animal Words and Terms
If you want to keep fish properly, the most important piece of equipment to buy is a tank or bowl.

Our Special Friends - Animal Words and Terms

Quiz playing is a wonderful way to increase your knowledge of English as a Second Language. Remember that all of our ESL quizzes have titles that are both friendly and serious at the same time… In the case of this quiz you might like to tell your friends about “Our Special Friends” but no doubt your teachers will talk about the “Animal Words and Terms quiz”! If you hear a specific term and you want to find a quiz about the subject then just look through the list of quiz titles until you find what you need.

Many of us have pets at home, and we think of them as 'our special friends'. If you see someone about with animals present, you will find it easy to make small talk with someone by using animal words and terms. Perhaps you have a few pets yourself? It should not take long for you to meet English-speakers who have pets... maybe walking their dog along a street.

1 .
Choose the best word (or words) to fill the gap.
Like us humans, pet animals have the ... ... to eat and drink, to rest and shelter, and to be loved and cared for and kept healthy.
Having pets is a good way to encourage children to take ... ... for another living creature, in good times and in bad.
... wrong ... / ... duty ...
... left ... / ... task ...
... right ... / ... responsibility ...
... business ... / ... job ...
Answer 3 is the only one with the right words here. Having pets should be a pleasure, but let's not pretend that it does not bring important responsibilities.
2 .
Choose the best word (or words) to fill the gap.
For any pet that may go outdoors and wander away (instead of being kept inside all the time), it's sensible to get ... ...
... a paper label with your address on it.
... a collar, and have the vet put a microchip under the animal's skin.
... your address tattooed onto the animal's leg.
... a licence from the police.
Again, all the other answers are wrong (or, at best, unhelpful).
So far as we know, it is difficult ~ and probably against the law ~ to try and put a tattoo onto an animal. Don't even think of it! (Though sooner or later, someone probably will ...)
3 .
Choose the best word (or words) to fill the gap.
Many adults like to ride a horse; but smaller and younger people (in other words, children) are safer learning on a ... .
... puppy.
... pony.
... calf.
... sheep.
A pony is a young or small horse.
A 'calf' (Answer 3) is a young cow; and we don't think that riding sheep is likely to be a very successful idea ... though somebody has probably tried!
4 .
Choose the best word (or words) to fill the gap.
They say a dog will eat almost anything; but in my experience, they prefer ...
... meat, biscuits, chocolate, and a bone to chew occasionally.
... cheese and vegetables.
... fish and chips.
... bread and butter.
Answer 1 is probably the most usual.
Please don't try feeding any of these other things to a dog!
5 .
Choose the best word (or words) to fill the gap.
If you are out walking a dog, you should always take a bag and a scoop with you in case the dog ... ...
... brings you a dead bird.
... leaves something behind it.
... feels sick.
... wants to go shopping.
No doubt we all know that dogs need to eat and drink, and to enjoy regular healthy exercise in the fresh air; and that they do indeed need to 'leave something behind' from time to time. Like many languages, English has plenty of other expressions to describe that. But the one we have used here should be clear enough to convey the message.
Another expression that you sometimes hear is 'Some dog has 'done its business' on the grass outside our gate.' We wonder what ways your own language might use, to refer politely to an entirely natural function. There should be no need to spend ages with your dictionary checking this; you will have plenty of other, much more important language to learn!
6 .
Choose the best word (or words) to fill the gap.
Our house seems to be full of cats at the moment, because last month one of the older cats had five ... ...
... catlets.
... kittens.
... puppies.
... babies.
Young (or even new-born) cats are called 'kittens'.
You could call them 'babies' (Answer 4) but we usually only use that word for humans, unless we are joking slightly.
'Puppies' (Answer 3) are the equivalent for dogs, i.e. newborn or very young ones!
7 .
Choose the best word (or words) to fill the gap.
One problem with household pets (much though we love them!) is that unless we .... .... regularly, they leave their ... ... all over the place, on the floor and furniture. Not to mention muddy ... ... -marks when the weather is wet!
... brush ... / ... hair ... / ... feet
... brush ... / ... coat ... / ... foot
... brush them ... / ... fur ... / ... paw
... brush ... / ... fur ... / ... hoof
When talking about animals, we refer to their 'fur' rather than 'hair', though we also say 'his coat is thick and black' (or whatever else it's like). The feet of cats, dogs etc. are 'paws'. ('Hoof' in Answer 4 is the hard foot such as a larger, farm animal would have.)
8 .
Choose the best word (or words) to fill the gap.
'There are enough wild ... ... in Britain, without children taking them in and keeping them as pets!'
... mouse and rat ...
... mouses and rats ...
... mice and rats ...
... mices and rats ...
'Mouse' has an irregular plural form, 'mice'. The spelling seems to change quite a lot in the middle, but only one sound changes.
9 .
Choose the best word (or words) to fill the gap.
If you want to keep fish properly, the most important piece of equipment to buy is ...
... a box.
... a pot.
... a tank or bowl.
... a tap.
A bowl is quite a small container; many people believe it would not give enough space for a fish, even if the fish is quite small too. A tank (with 'square corners') is almost certainly better.
A 'pot' (Answer 2) would normally be even smaller than a bowl: the sort of container in which you might buy jam, for instance. Or it could even be a flower-pot, or at least one made of porcelain rather than glass ~ in which case the fish wouldn't get much natural light. No kind of 'pot' is really appropriate for keeping fish.
10 .
'Like many people today and in the past, we keep a small group of pets in the garden. They like fresh air, and they happily eat clean waste from the kitchen. The advantage of these pets is that they supply us with eggs every day.'
What are these pets?
Chickens are the only birds in the list we offered you.
Some people keep a pig (since this animal, too, will eat almost anything) and eventually there will be good meat, if the people can bear to have the pig killed.
Meanwhile cows, of course ~ along with goats and possibly sheep ~ produce milk.
And we haven't mentioned rabbits ... !
Author:  Ian Miles

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