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Metals - Alloys
Bronze and cupronickel are both used to make coins. They are both examples of alloys.

Metals - Alloys

This is the first of our GCSE Chemistry quizzes on the topic of metals. In it we will find out about some of the properties and uses of alloys, the metals formed by mixing two or more (usually metallic) elements.

Although they have some incredible properties, metals on their own aren't always suitable materials for us to use. Most of the metals we use in our everyday lives are alloys. Pure copper, gold, iron and aluminium are too soft for many jobs so what can we do to improve their properties? Well, we can mix them with other elements to form alloys. Alloys are normally (but not always) a mixture of two or more metallic elements. A good example of this is the mixing of carbon with iron to make a range of steels. Iron from the blast furnace is a brittle material but when mixed with the right amount of carbon it becomes extremely malleable and ductile. It can be hammered and bent into shape or drawn out into thin wires.

1 .
Bronze is an alloy made from...
copper and tin
copper and brass
copper and zinc
copper and iron
Bronze can be used to make statues, musical instruments and medals
2 .
Nitinol is a 'smart' alloy. Why can it be described as a 'smart' alloy?
It expands when it is heated
It is flexible
It is made by mixing two metals
It returns to its original shape when heated
The discovery that nitinol has this property was discovered by accident in 1961
3 .
Nitinol is an alloy made from...
copper and titanium
nickel and copper
neon and titanium
nickel and titanium
This alloy was developed in 1959 during research to produce better nose cones for military missiles
4 .
Gold that is used to make jewellery is usually an alloy. It is mixed with copper and silver. Apart from making it harder, what other property is changed by mixing it with other metals?
Increases its density
Lowers its melting point
Decreases its hardness
The colour of gold is dependent on the metals it has been alloyed with. The amount of copper added to gold determines how 'red' the gold is
5 .
Bronze and cupronickel are both used to make coins. They are both examples of...
These alloys are resistant to corrosion
6 .
Brass is an alloy made from...
copper and tin
copper and bronze
copper and zinc
copper and iron
Brass can be used to make doorknobs, ammunition and musical instruments
7 .
Which type of steel is likely to be used for cutlery?
High carbon steel
Low carbon steel
Stainless steel
Pure iron
Stainless steel is highly resistant to rusting so the cutlery will remain shiny and not corroded
8 .
Iron is mixed with other elements including carbon, chrominium and nickel to make steel. The percentage of the elements added determine the type of steel and also the properties of the steel produced. Which type of steel is likely to be used to make cutting tools?
High carbon steel
Low carbon steel
Stainless steel
Pure iron
This is a hard wearing type of steel
9 .
Metals are often mixed with other elements to make alloys. Which of the following is NOT a good reason for producing an alloy?
It can produce harder materials
It can produce different coloured materials
It can produce more malleable materials
It can produce more brittle materials
Alloys are produced to make the properties of the materials more beneficial
10 .
Some alloys have very special properties. They return to their original shape after becoming deformed. These alloys are called...
shape memory alloys
shape remembering alloys
bend memory alloys
bendy alloys
This can be very useful in things like spectacles. How many people break their spectacles by sitting on them?
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Metals and alloys

Author:  Kate Gardiner

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