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Animal Farm - Understanding the Text
What does the Sugarcandy Mountain symbolise?

Animal Farm - Understanding the Text

This GCSE English Literature quiz will see how well you understand the text in Animal Farm by George Orwell. Before you can analyse and write about a text, you need to understand it. This is not always as easy as it sounds. After all, if authors only had a simple message to convey, why would it take them hundreds of pages and thousands of words in which to do so? Reading a text written long ago, or one from another country, or maybe just written in a strong dialect, can make your task a little more difficult. Sometimes you need to get used to how a particular author writes before you begin to understand the text properly.

Authors have a variety of methods which they use to convey meaning. It is not often that they state what they mean directly.

1 .
Where is Boxer taken?
To a nursing home for horses
To the vet
To a rehabilitation centre
To the knacker's
Boxer has been traded by Napoleon for a case of whisky. The writing on the side of the van which carts him away indicates that he will be used for glue, bone meal and dog food
2 .
Which of the following first prompts the animals' revolutionary spirit?
Boxer's injured hoof
Major's speech
The death of Major
Mr Jones's laziness
Revolutionary fervour is sparked when Major gathers the animals to tell them of his dream and of his belief in the equality of all animals and the enmity of humans to animals
3 .
Which song rouses the animals to such excitement that they awaken Mr Jones?
"Animal Farm, Animal Farm, / Never through me shalt thou come to harm"
"Friend of the Fatherless"
"Arise Ye Workers From Your Slumbers"
"Beasts of England"
"Beasts of England" speaks of a vision of a time when animals are free from heavy labour and all of the signs of servitude. The song is later replaced by "Animal Farm, Animal Farm"
4 .
To which genre does Animal Farm belong?
All of the above
Orwell's novella is a moral fable which teaches a lesson through the use of animal characters; it is also a satire of specific political events as well as an allegory of revolutionary movements more generally
5 .
Why do the pigs and neighbouring farmers dine together at the end of Animal Farm?
The men have decided to hand their farms over to their own animals
The pigs have become identical to men in their management of the farm
The pigs have decided to return the farm to human management
The pigs have purchased the last remaining whisky of the local town
The other farmers are impressed with the low rations received by the workers, the high number of hours worked and the tough conditions on the farm. They no longer feel threatened by the existence of an animal-run farm neighbouring their properties
6 .
How might Benjamin best be described?
Benjamin is not caught up in the excitement of the other animals and is suspicious of the motives of the leaders. He is not uncaring, but neither does he attempt to challenge the pigs
7 .
What do the animals need that cannot be produced on the farm?
Tools, nails, string, coal, wire, scrap-iron and dog biscuits
Candles, sugar, hay, bricks and sand
Whisky, oil and ribbons
The animals can produce everything they need on the farm
The pigs begin trading for luxury items, such as lamp oil, candles and sugar, as well as the necessary materials for building the schoolroom for the piglets. These luxury items are added to the absolute essentials which the farm already required
8 .
How would the relationship between Snowball and Napoleon best be characterised?
Mutually supportive
As a friendly rivalry
The two pigs are deadly rivals. They disagree in all of the public meetings and debates. It is only when Snowball has been banished by the secret army of dogs that Napoleon is able to set himself up as leader
9 .
Which of the following is the first clue that Napoleon should not be trusted by the other animals?
He raises the puppies by himself
The milk with which he is left while the animals go to work disappears
He disagrees with Snowball about the plan to build a windmill
He drinks the whisky
On the very first day of the revolution, while the animals are full of hope for a better future, Napoleon already seeks his own private gain
10 .
What does the Sugarcandy Mountain symbolise?
A holiday
The animals are promised that when they die after a lifetime of hard work, they will go to Sugarcandy Mountain, a land of freely-available plenty. Moses the raven represents a religious leader who unscrupulously promises heaven to the poor as a compensation for a lifetime of patient, uncomplaining labour
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Animal Farm

Author:  Sheri Smith

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