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Much Ado About Nothing - Character
So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness.

Much Ado About Nothing - Character

This GCSE English Literature quiz will challenge you on character. William Shakespeare’s play, Much Ado About Nothing, has a relatively small and self-contained list of dramatis personae. In Messina live Leonato, Hero and Beatrice, along with Hero’s attendants, Margaret and Ursula. Leonato also has a brother, Antonio. In this quiet place arrives Don Pedro, Claudio and Benedick, each of whom is already known in Messina. Beyond these few characters, the play also introduces a Friar, Dogberry, the constable, and some watchmen. Don John, Pedro’s illegitimate brother, and his two companions Borachio and Conrad, interfere in the seemingly smooth running of society in Messina.

1 .
"One Hero died defiled, but I do live, / And surely as I live, I am a maid." What does Hero wish to assert with these words at her wedding?
That Claudio shamed and defiled her
That she is a virgin
That she and Claudio will be able to set the past aside
All of the above
These are Hero's final words in the play. It is important for her to swear to her virginity, a paramount virtue for her place in her society, but she also reprimands her future husband with the stark imagery she uses: he defiled and killed her former self
2 .
Although at first he believes the slander against Hero, how does Leonato later respond to Claudio's rejection of her?
He challenges him to a duel
He orders him to leave Messina
He invites him to dinner
He forces him to marry his niece
Leonato's responses are equally passionate, whether in blame of his daughter or of Claudio. He is maintaining a pretence to some extent in challenging Claudio to a duel, however, because he knows that his daughter is not dead
3 .
Which of the following lines from the first scene of the play best demonstrates Beatrice's wit?
"God help the noble Claudio"
"Nobody marks you"
"O Lord, he will hang upon him like a disease"
"But I pray you, who is his companion?"
Beatrice is full of put downs for Benedick, both before he arrives and in person. Some of these are direct insults, such as when she tells Benedick that no one is paying him any attention ("Nobody marks you"), but several of these involve a considerable amount of wit as she uses various similes and metaphors to insult him more scathingly
4 .
Who first proposes to bring Beatrice and Benedick together despite their resistance and "merry war"?
Don Pedro
Don Pedro takes delight in pairing up couples, playing matchmaker, and even wooing Hero while disguised as Claudio. At one point, he cheerfully asks Beatrice to marry him
5 .
Which of the following is NOT true of Claudio?
He trusts Don Pedro
He agrees to marry Hero even though she is poor
He falls in love with Hero as soon as he returns from war
He is quick to become suspicious of Hero's faithfulness to him
Hero is her father's only heir, meaning that her husband will own and control all of Leonato's property and wealth after his death. Before telling Don Pedro how he has decided to love Hero, Claudio checks whether she has a brother, who as a son, would automatically be Leonato's heir
6 .
"Why, what's the matter / That you have such a February face, / So full of frost, of storm and cloudiness?" To whom are Don Pedro's words in the final scene of the play addressed?
Don Pedro and Claudio tease Benedick mercilessly for finding himself about to get married despite his earlier intentions never to marry
7 .
Which of the following best describes Hero?
Young, beautiful, respectful to her father, but playful with her friends
Young, clever, talkative and boastful
Mature, independent, joking, but respectful to her father
Clever, talkative, older than her cousin, but more naive
Hero rarely talks, especially amongst men. We know that she can be playful because she participates in the joke against Beatrice
8 .
"Benedick, didst thou note the daughter of Signor Leonato?" How does Benedick disappoint Claudio with his response to this question?
He refuses to acknowledge that she is in any way out of the ordinary
He hints at his suspicions about her character
He hints that he might be interested in wooing her himself
All of the above
Benedick also implies that Claudio's admiration is ordinary, too. Claudio has decided to play the romantic, while Bendick presents a cynical face to his friends
9 .
Which of the following is NOT one of the phrases Don John uses to describe or explain himself?
"I must be sad when I have cause"
"I had rather be a canker in a hedge than a rose in his grace"
"With a good leg and a good foot [...] and money enough in his purse - such a man would win any woman in the world"
"I am a plain-dealing villain"
Beatrice and her uncle Leonato joke about the kind of man which could be created if he were half Benedick and half Don John. Such as man, Beatrice says, could find favour with any woman, provided he had money. By contrast, Don John refers to himself in negative terms, as melancholic and a trouble-maker
10 .
Discovering the deception of her friends and family, Beatrice tells Benedick that she merely loved him in "friendly recompense". What character trait does her response reveal?
Through pride, both Beatrice and Benedick attempt to downplay the love which they earlier swore to one another
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Characters

Author:  Sheri Smith

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