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Spelling 02
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Spelling 02

Here is some more spelling practice for hard-working GCSE pupils! Amazingly, some of the trickiest words to spell in English can also be some of the most ordinary. 'Basically' is a word you are likely to hear several times a day, but it is also one of the most commonly misspelled words, too (people often misspell it as 'basicly'). Practice, practice and more practice is the answer.

Test your spelling with this second revision quiz on the subject.

1 .
Despite their ......, they were expected in the director's office ......
exhaustion, immedietely
exhawstion, imediately
exhaustion, immediately
exawstion, immediatly
Despite their exhaustion, they were expected in the director's office immediately
2 .
Harriet was certain that Robert had the ...... pencil in his ......
mechanical, possesion
mecanical, possession
mechanical, possession
mecanical, posession
Harriet was certain that Robert had the mechanical pencil in his possession
3 .
Education:  is it a ...... or a right?
Education:  is it a privilege or a right?
4 .
Everyone knew that he ...... coffee to any other flavour of ice cream.
Everyone knew he preferred coffee to any other flavour of ice cream
5 .
Every day, the ...... announced its intention to promote new ......
goverment, bissnesses
government, businesses
goverment, biznesses
government, busnesses
Every day, the government announced its intention to promote new businesses
6 .
She wrote ...... headings for each column.
She wrote separate headings for each column
7 .
On Mondays, the school ...... was entirely ......
libraryan, unaproachable
librarian, unapproachible
libraryan, unaproachable
librarian, unapproachable
On Mondays, the school librarian was entirely unapproachable
8 .
They were ...... expected by nine o'clock.
They were definitely expected by nine o'clock
9 .
The headteacher ...... upon us the unlikelihood that we would be given another ......
empressed, oppertunity
impressed, oppurtunity
impressed, opportunity
empressed, opportunity
The headteacher impressed upon us the unlikelihood that we would be given another opportunity
10 .
He showed a ...... ...... in the obscure equipment held in the farming museum.
surprising, interest
suprising, interest
surprising, intrest
suprising, intrest
He showed a surprising interest in the obscure equipment held in the farming museum
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Spelling

Author:  Sheri Smith

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