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Changes in Rural Areas - MEDCs
One solution for farmers is to diversify.

Changes in Rural Areas - MEDCs

The study of human geography is an important aspect of your GCSE studies. The migration of populations from rural communities to urban centres and vice-versa has an impact on the economy of a country. Some of these impacts are positive whilst others are negative. You will be expected to know some examples of both sides. In general, MEDCs are better placed to manage these changes in a sustainable way.

Looking first at migration from urban areas to rural areas. This happens very little in LEDCs, however, in MEDCs, there are several push and pull factors. Firstly, there are those people who are still working. There are many factors that influence their decision - for example, more peaceful surroundings when they are not at work, cheaper housing with larger gardens, wanting to bring up their family in a rural environment.

1 .
Depopulation in remote rural communities leads to businesses closing down. People then notice a lowering of the quality of life and so even more depopulation occurs. This process is called ...
a cycle of decline
a circuit of decline
a circle of decline
a pentagon of decline
It is very difficult to reverse this cycle of decline, it requires an effort from the community and an investment of money to attract people back to the area
2 .
Which of the following could be a push reason for rural to urban migration?
Wealthy urban residents buying rural second homes
People moving into the area from abroad
There are better jobs in urban areas
All of the above
People buying second homes in a rural area cause house prices to rise. Locals can no longer afford local housing and migrate to those urban centres where housing is more affordable. Better jobs in an urban area is a pull reason, the question asks you to identify the push reason
3 .
Which of the following is not a push factor that leads to depopulation in remote rural areas of the UK?
No jobs
A lack of shopping facilities locally
Earn more money in an urban area
No social life
Push factors are disadvantages of staying where they are
4 .
In what way or ways is counter urbanisation bad for the environment?
New housing is built on greenfield sites
More fossil fuels are burned because more car journeys are needed
More rural air pollution is created
All of the above
Farmers sell off land for house building so there is less land available for growing food crops or grazing farm animals. People who have moved out to the country need to drive to work, unless there is a good public transport link. More car journeys mean more fuel is burned and more air pollution is created
5 .
Which of the following is not a factor that is likely to lead to rural depopulation?
MEDCs import food from abroad
MEDCs can afford to invest in rural communities
In MEDCs, there is a trend towards increased mechanisation of farming
Large farms are more competitive than small farms
Investing in local rural communities is more likely to lead to an increase in population
6 .
Why are large retail centres often built on greenfield sites in the rural/urban fringe?
It makes shopping more pleasant so they get more customers
It makes it easy for people living in town to find them
It is better for the environment
It is cheaper and easier for the developers
Using brownfield or greyfield sites costs more because there is more that needs to be done to prepare the site for building e.g. clearing rubbish and old buildings, pulling up tarmac or concrete
7 .
Which of the following are most likely to be involved in counter urbanisation?
Young adults
People of retirement age
Unemployed people
All of the above
Young adults are more likely to migrate from rural areas to urban areas, as are the unemployed - these are two key reasons for rural depopulation
8 .
Which of the following is a reason why housing stock in a national park is usually more expensive than in surrounding areas?
Building new homes is restricted in national parks
Building new homes is more difficult as the roads in national parks are narrower than outside of the park
There are no restrictions on building in national parks
Houses in national parks are always bigger than outside of the park
Fewer housing developments mean that more people are trying to buy the same house so the person prepared to pay the most is usually the one who succeeds in buying it
9 .
In some accessible rural areas, the population is increasing. This is called ...
client repopulation
rural repopularisation
counter urbanisation
Accessible rural areas have a population that is increasing as people move out of urban areas to find what they see as a better quality of life
10 .
Counter urbanisation is good for a rural community in many ways but which of these is a disadvantage to local residents?
More young people in the community
Increases income for local shops
Increases traffic
Better mobile phone coverage
An increase in traffic leads to more congestion
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Rural-urban links

Author:  Kev Woodward

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