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Effects of Changes to Modern Industry in the UK
Where would you find a shopping centre?

Effects of Changes to Modern Industry in the UK

During your GCSE studies of the economic geography of the UK, you will have seen that the Industrial Revolution changed Britain from being mainly an agricultural country to being an industrial one. This created many changes in the population distribution (rural to urban migration) and the distribution of wealth. For about 200 years, Britain remained an industrial nation but that began to change after the 1939-45 war. Due to the effects of globalisation, the UK employment structure has significantly changed, the secondary sector has declined and the tertiary sector has increased. For your exams, you need to show that you understand the reasons for the changes and can identify the positives and negatives.

At the time of writing this quiz, the tertiary sector (also known as the service sector) accounts for over three-quarters of employment in the UK.

1 .
Which of the following terms best describes a change from a secondary sector based economy to a tertiary sector based economy?
The secondary sector is concerned with the manufacturing of goods
2 .
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
Science and business parks are often located on the edges of cities or near to motorway junctions
Industries built on the edges of a city put pressure on green belt land as the demand for housing in the area is increased
Quaternary industries require few raw materials therefore they can be sited anywhere
High-tech industries have the effect of reducing the price of nearby housing
High-tech and R&D businesses increase the demand for local housing, pushing up house prices
3 .
One effect of the changes to modern industry is the introduction of teleworking. Which of the following is not a benefit of teleworking?
Teleworkers earn more than others doing the same job
Employees can have a job and look after their family aswell
Teleworkers save time and money as they don't have to commute every day
Employers can have a smaller office, saving money on heating, electricity, rent etc
Teleworkers are paid the same as they would be paid if they worked in an office every day
4 .
Which locations are becoming more popular with developers who build shopping centres in the UK?
The central business district
Out of town locations
Inner city greenfield sites
Country villages
They are more easily accessible for people via ring roads or motorways and the land is cheaper
5 .
Which of the following is a negative impact of changes in modern industry in the UK?
An increase in brownfield sites
An increase in commuting to work
An increase in air and water quality
All of the above
An increase in commuting increases traffic congestion and can increase certain types of air pollution such as low level ozone
6 .
The way people work has also changed along with the types of job people do. Which of the following statements is false?
People are able to work from home using ICT to stay in contact with their workplace
Some people do their work whilst travelling by train
A smaller percentage of the workforce work from home than they did in the 1950s
Compressed hours and flexitime enables workers to have time off on normal working days
In the 1950s, very few people worked from home as there was no internet and no mobile phone networks. In fact, only the better-off families could afford a telephone. Working compressed hours and flexitime means that people work their full number of hours but by working longer days e.g. by working 10 hours a day instead of 8, they can have some time off each week
7 .
Which of the following terms indicates an industry that is not tied to a particular location?
Fancy free
Many industries were established near supplies of their raw materials or near a port where their raw materials could be delivered. Footloose industries require few raw materials
8 .
Traditionally, which of the following areas of the UK were centres of heavy industry?
Northern England
North Wales
Northern Scotland
All of the above
Other key areas were the Midlands and South Wales. These areas have all suffered greater unemployment problems as a result of the deindustrialisation of the British economy
9 .
As factories are demolished, the cleared land left behind is known as a brownfield site. These are...
always much cheaper to develop than a greenfield site
only ever used to build new factories
sometimes difficult to develop because they are polluted by industrial waste
only ever used as wildlife sanctuaries
Greenfield sites are usually cheaper to develop as there is no pollution or waste to clear before building can start
10 .
The digital economy is best described as being an economy based on...
virtual money
buying computers
online banking
computing technologies
The three main aspects of the digital economy are the infrastructure (that's the computers, software, Internet and telecommunications networks), e-commerce (that's the buying and selling of items online) and e-business (that's how a business is run via computer networks)
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - How the UK economy is changing in the 21st century

Author:  Kev Woodward

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