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Energy Generation
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Energy Generation

For your geography GCSE, you need to study how energy is generated and the effects of energy generation on people and the environment. It is also required that you understand the ways in which energy resources are managed in a sustainable way by considering how energy is used and where it is wasted. The exact requirements depend on the syllabus that you are following.

The need for energy is increasing every day due to population growth along with increased wealth, urbanisation and technological advances in emerging economies. Cities develop by consuming energy and resources from other environments. National and local governments are increasingly aware that sustainability is essential and are taking various steps to achieve this. One of the key aspects is energy generation. Avoiding energy wastage and finding new ways of obtaining the energy required are the two ways that a city, town or village can contribute to this global issue.

1 .
Why does Scotland have a higher percentage of electicity generated from hydro-electric schemes than other areas of the UK?
It has a high rainfall
It is windy
It is the most northerly country of the British Isles
It gets snow in the winter
As well as high rainfall, Scotland has highlands that have a low population density
2 .
Why is it important to find alternative ways to generate electricity?
To make electricity cheaper
To reduce the quantity of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere
To get a better quality of electricity to use for charging up smartphones and tablet computers
To get rid of the National Grid
There are other good reasons too, for example, to make sure that we still have electricity when reserves of fossil fuels are eventually exhausted
3 .
Which of the following is not a practical way of reducing the energy generation needs of an urban area?
Banning nightclubs and late night parties
Adding insulation to schools and public buildings
District heating schemes
Replacing older public transport vehicles
Insulating buildings reduces heat loss and therefore less energy is needed to heat them when the weather is cold, district heating schemes can be set up to burn waste in order to provide heating for local homes and other buildings. Newer vehicles are more energy efficient than older ones
4 .
Why is the global demand for energy increasing?
Populations are increasing
More technology is available
Increased wealth
All of the above
Urbanisation and the development of emerging economies increases the need for energy
5 .
Which of the following methods of energy generation is not considered as being sustainable?
Electricity generation from fossil fuels
Electricity generation from a solar cell
Using modified vegetable oil in place of diesel
Heating a home using a wood burning stove
Provided that we have the materials available to manufacture solar cells, grow crops to produce vegetable oils and manage woodlands carefully, these are three ways that can contribute to solving future energy generation issues
6 .
In some countries, alcohol that has been fermented from sugar cane is added to petrol to make a biofuel. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of biofuels?
They don't contribute significant greenhouse gases to the atmosphere
Less land is available for food crop farming
Cars that run on petrol need to be converted to run on biofuels
It requires intensive farming
They emit back to the air only the carbon dioxide that was absorbed by the crop in the first place
7 .
What is a wind farm?
A farm that produces wind
A farm that uses wind
A farm that uses a windmill to grind wheat and other crops to make flour
A collection of wind turbines that feed electricity into the National Grid
For the GCSE, you need to know the for and against points of wind farms
8 .
How is electricity generated for use in the National Grid?
By burning biofuels
By burning wood
By burning fossil fuels
By burning nuclear fuels
Although some of the electricity in the National Grid is produced from using nuclear fuels, to say they are being burnt is incorrect. They produce energy from nuclear reactions and not by burning
9 .
Which of the following would be a suitable location for a wind farm?
In a valley
On high ground
Alongside a river
On a hill in a national park
They need to be in a place that they will catch the wind. Placing them in a national park would be controversial as some people believe they are an eyesore, too noisy and are bad for wildlife
10 .
Which of the following is not a way that an individual can help to reduce energy usage in an urban area?
Insulating their home
Using public transport instead of a car
Turning off the street lights for a few hours each night
Buying energy efficient appliances
Some local councils turn off some or all of the street lights for a few hours each night when they are least needed in order to reduce local energy consumption
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Energy

Author:  Kev Woodward

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