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Trade and Aid
Test your knowledge on trade and aid by playing this quiz.

Trade and Aid

This Geography quiz asks questions on trade and aid. The GCSE syllabus asks that you realise that there are global variations in ecomomic development and the quality of life. During these studies, you will probably look at several case studies that show the causes (physical, economic and historical) and the consequences (differences in health, wealth and migration) of this uneven development around the world.

One of the key factors in the economic development of a country is trade. Usually, MEDCs are exporters of manufactured goods and they import primary products (e.g. food and raw materials). For LEDCs, the opposite is usually true. Since manufactured products are usually higher value items than primary products, this means that LEDCs are more likely to have a trade deficit and this makes it difficult for them to pay off international debts or improve the infrastructure of their countries.

1 .
Some people think that giving aid to poorer countries is not a good idea. Which of the following is NOT an argument against giving aid?
Some aid is a loan and not a gift, poor countries may struggle to repay it
Corruption may lead to the aid being used by local politicians for their own use and does not reach the people for whom it is intended
Aid for agriculture is often used for large scale projects and so the smaller, more needy farmers do not benefit
It can be used to improve health and standards of living
Aid is usually given for the right reasons but can sometimes bring unexpected outcomes which can be used to argue against helping LEDCs
2 .
If poorer countries could process their raw materials into manufactured products, they could make more money from exports, so why does this not happen on a large scale?
There is no local workforce
Setting up to do this on a large scale takes a long time and money
The governments of LEDCs do not know how to do this
Local people campaign against it because they are worried about polluting the environment
Importing the machinery from MEDCs is expensive and setting up the infrastructure takes time
3 .
The difference between the money gained from exports and the money spent on imports is called:
the balance of trade
the balance of payments
the balance of money
the trading economy balance
It is also sometimes referred to as the balance of international payments
4 .
What form does aid take?
Money only
Materials only
Skilled people and training of local people
All of the above
Aid can take many forms, depending on why it has been given. Emergency aid for example is often sending food, shelter, medical supplies and specialist rescue workers to support an LEDC after a natural disaster like a hurricane or tsunami has happened whereas multilateral aid is usually a sum of money given to support a specific project
5 .
In the 1990s, the British government gave Malaysia a large sum of money to help them to develop a hydroelectric power scheme. In return, it demanded that Malaysia bought military supplies and weapons from the UK. What is this type of aid called?
Emergency aid
Conditional aid
Mutual aid
Charitable long-term aid
The conditions of aid like this normally benefits the government of the MEDC rather than the country receiving the aid
6 .
Fair trade products are becoming more widespread and include beverages, textiles, craft items and chocolate. Fair trade agreements ensure that the producer (or employees of the producer) receive:
a very large salary for the work they do
free food in exchange for their labour
a guaranteed and fair price for their product regardless of its price on the world market
a great deal of praise from their governments
A fair trade agreement requires employers to set minimum standards for the pay and conditions of their workers in order to give them a better standard of living
7 .
If a country spends more on imports than it gains from export, it has a:
trade scales
trade balance
trade surplus
trade deficit
Other phrases you may hear that mean the same are 'negative balance', 'unfavourable balance' and 'trade gap'
8 .
Multilateral aid is given through:
the World Health Organisation only
the World Bank only
both the World bank and the World Health Organisation
OXFAM and other charities like Save the Children
The governments of many MEDCs donate some of their income to international organisations like the World Bank and World Health Organisation who then decide where aid should be given and how much. It is called multilateral because the money comes from several different countries
9 .
Aid sent to a country following a major earthquake is described as being:
charity aid
long-term aid
short-term aid
development aid
Long-term aid and development aid are the same
10 .
Which of the following satements about international trade is correct?
MEDCs usually import primary products and export manufactured goods
MEDCs usually import manufactured goods and export primary products
MEDCs import very few products as they are self-sufficient
Primary products come only from LEDCs
Many MEDCs export primary products, for example, a large proportion of the Australian economy is based on the export of primary products like iron ore, wool and coal
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Economic development issues

Author:  Kev Woodward

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