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Britain: British Society 1931-1951 - The 1945-1951 Labour Government's Domestic Policy
Britain's coal industry became the property of the British people when it was nationalised in 1947.

Britain: British Society 1931-1951 - The 1945-1951 Labour Government's Domestic Policy

As a part of their study of British society at different times in the past GCSE History students will look at the period of 1931-1951. One aspect that they will cover is the 1945-1951 Labour Government's foreign and domestic policy. This is one of two quizzes on the subject and it concentrates on the 1945-1951 Labour Government's Domestic Policy only.

The new Labour government came to power with a large majority, determined to carry out radical reform as promised in the party's manifesto. After 1948 most of this work was completed and the government was exhausted.

Test your knowledge of the time in this interactive quiz.

1 .
Which cabinet minister, the founder of the NHS in 1948, was ridiculed by Churchill, now Leader of the Opposition, as the "Minister of Disease"?
Ernest Bevin
Aneurin Bevan
John Strachey
Michael Foot
Churchill kept up a steady stream of insults against his political enemies
2 .
What proportion of British industry had been nationalised by Labour in 1951?
Labour had promised to take into public ownership transport and the major utilities as well as the Bank of England
3 .
The coal industry was nationalised. By what named was its controlling body now known?
The Coal Corporation
British Coal
The National Coal Board
The coal industry employed nearly a million miners and had enjoyed poor industrial relations in the inter-war period
4 .
Which Liberal economist and government supporter, the author of the "General Theory", urged a policy of full employment and state stimulation of the economy?
John Maynard Keynes
William Beveridge
Friedrich Hayek
Walter Balogh
The government was keen to have intellectual support for full employment, partly as they criticised the Conservatives for the high levels of unemployment in the 1930s
5 .
Labour's 1918 Constitution provided for the state control of industry in the interests of employees and the wider public. Which clause of the Constitution set out this intention?
Clause 4
Clause 231
Clause 95
Clause 101
This clause later became a bone of contention between modernisers who wanted to amend or abolish it and traditionalists who wanted to retain it intact
6 .
Who was the only woman in Attlee's government?
Margaret Bondfield
Barbara Castle
Jennie Lee
Ellen Wilkinson
Women MPs were still in short supply
7 .
In 1948 the Representation of the People Act removed some anomalies from the electoral system. Which of the following reforms was enshrined in the Act?
The voting age was reduced to 18
The University seats were abolished, so that university graduates were denied their extra vote
Voting was made compulsory in parliamentary elections
The deposit required to be paid by parliamentary candidates was raised to £50
Labour was keen to retain power and believed that a further franchise act could give them more support.
8 .
"A sheep in sheep's clothing." - This rather cruel jibe by Churchill was made about which Labour minister?
Herbert Morrison
Tom Williams
Emmanuel Shinwell
Clement Attlee
Churchill was very quick to make these half-amusing and half-abusive asides
9 .
In 1947 Hugh Dalton, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was forced to resign. On what grounds did he hand in his resignation?
He had been fiddling his parliamentary expenses
He had confided budget secrets to a journalist just as he was about to deliver his budget speech
He had been accused of having an affair with a female M.P.
He had been plotting to remove Attlee as prime minister and had been found out
Dalton was replaced by the austere Stafford Cripps
10 .
In 1947 the new Minister of Education raised the school leaving age to what?
15 years old
14 years old
16 years old
17 years old
The Labour Party regarded free education as an intrinsic right and they were keen to keep children at school for as long as possible
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Depression, war and recovery, 1930-1954

Author:  Edward Towne

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