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Britain: British Society 1951-1979 - Immigration And Its Impact
The Notting Hill Carnival is usually a happy occasion, but it degenerated into riots in 1976.

Britain: British Society 1951-1979 - Immigration And Its Impact

British society at different periods in the past is one area looked at in GCSE History. One of the timespans covered is 1951-1979 and an important aspect of that era is immigration and the impact that it had.

British Society has a tradition of receiving immigrants. French Protestants in the 17th Century escaping religious persecution, Jews fleeing Russian Tsarist pogroms in the 19th or Nazi Germany in the 20th, and West Indians seeking work in the 1940s and 1950s are some who have emigrated over the years to Britain. But what impact has all this immigration had?

Learn more about immigration and its impact on British society in this informative quiz.

1 .
Far right parties sprang up in the 1960's, urging the repatriation of immigrants. Which one of the following groups was founded in 1967?
The Union Movement
The English Defence League
The British National Party
The National Front
None of these groups made a big political impact, although they made their presence felt
2 .
London's West Indian community celebrates an annual carnival, which degenerated into riots in 1976. In which district is the carnival traditionally held?
Notting Hill
Ladbroke Grove
Shepherd's Bush
At this time relations between the carnival organisers and the police were poor, and the event became a byword for crime
3 .
In 1962 the Conservative Government passed a piece of legislation that required future immigrants to have skills and to be already contracted to an employer. What was this Act called?
The Commonwealth Immigration Act
The Commonwealth Employment Act
The Commonwealth Relations Act
The Imperial Immigration Act
Dependants were still allowed in
4 .
In 1948 a liner docked in Britain carrying a large group of young West Indian men seeking work. What was the ship's name?
"Opal Star"
"Pride of Otago"
There were other such ships, but this was far and away the most famous one
5 .
In 1948 the Labour government passed a measure that allowed anyone from a Commonwealth country to settle in any other Commonwealth country. What was the name of the Act?
The British Nationality Act
The Commonwealth Nationality Act
The Commonwealth Settlement Act
The British Citizenship Act
This law was an encouragement to Commonwealth citizens to re-locate, especially to the Mother Country
6 .
In 1965 Harold Wilson's government passed an Act that forbade incitement to racial hatred. What was the name of the Act?
The Racial Relations Act
The Race Relations Act
The Racial Discrimination Act
The Race Discrimination Act
When the courts began to hear the first cases under the Act they sometimes found it hard to secure convictions
7 .
In the 1964 general election a Conservative candidate defeated a senior Labour figure in a West Midlands seat by playing the race card. What was the constituency concerned?
Wolverhampton North East
Birmingham Perry Bar
Peter Griffiths won the seat in 1964, but it reverted to Labour at the next election
8 .
Race riots disfigured an area of West London in 1958. Which area was this?
Notting Hill
There were similar events in Nottingham too. The courts dealt firmly with the white youths who stirred them up
9 .
In 1972 all the Asian residents of an African country and former British colony were expelled by its dictator. Which state was this?
Britain agreed to take the entire community
10 .
In April 1968 a senior Conservative made a speech in Birmingham in which he foretold "the Tiber foaming with much blood", if immigration continued. Who was this?
Reginald Maudling
Enoch Powell
Robert Carr
Peter Thorneycroft
The speaker was sacked from the Shadow Cabinet for making what the "Times" called "an evil speech"
You can find more about this topic by visiting BBC Bitesize - Rebuilding the country after 1945

Author:  Edward Towne

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